
Free-traders, intellectuals and Communists, are you insane, gullable or dishonest???

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Name one Communist regime that freed its people because it got to rich?

Yet China can have NO OTHER future than that of peace and democracy if one listens to the "wisdom" of the day. That Wal-Marts daily profiteering from and investing in Communism for two decades, with both Clinton's help, to avoid living wages at home and undermine American labor, enriching and saving a failed regime that murdered tens of millions of it's own people to maximize company profit is GOOD for the Chinese people!? This argument is as stupid and insulting today as it ever was and sadly even educated and well-meaning people puke the Hillary line despite all our expense. Wake up please, WAKE UP! Hillary and Bill Clinton, Robson and Jim Walton and David Glass and Lee Scott are traiters and should meet justice and WAL-MART IS AN OPERATING NATIONAL SECURITY RISK THAT MUST BE DISMANTLED! The future of the free world is at stake. You cant free a slave by enriching the owner so please stop asserting that stupidity!




  1. *offers tin foil hat*

    Seriously, this really shouldn't be the place for rants. But I'll answer your question. No, they are not insane. Free trade is supported by many economists and financial experts.

    Intellectuals are, by definition, people with expertise in their field. Their opinions and advice should be listened to.

    Communists aren't insane or dishonest. Gullible, yes. But that's to be expected. Most of them are just college students or dropouts with no real clue as to what is going on in the real world. Chalk it up to youth.

  2. Communism is gone in China as a person   has explained. The reason The U.S. government would not recognize The Government of China in Times Preceding was it was sataunchly Communist. Then when it became less so Nixon payed it a visit. After that it     it ceased to be. Of course U.S. companies are not so hot either. The sending jobs over seas line might not be entirely accurate as  U.S. companies might be expanding while parent ones remain in U.S.A. Yes  going elsewhere  does make laying of more easy.  If this is not a wind up question of course  you are right. If Greed were a religion  it could be seprated from state. It is constantly being said that places in which are for The People are Totalitarian there is no choice but to be for The People and anyone who is for The People is a Dictator because they are for The People. If someone were to point out The Constituition is for The People the reply will be not Those People but for The Rich People not that money matters only food and water does. This may be a Horses *** statement but if an organisation i involved in criminal acts could use Nuremberg  War Crimes Decisions.  Corporations were involved in crimes and ithe problem is with The Corporate structure which resulted in crimes and has continued to the result in crimes like Argentina,El Salvador and more.Corporations involved in War Crimes can be disolved being criminal organisations. The structure is The Problem. Thing is dismantle it and it might sneak back and become much worse. Still could be done.

  3. they are mostly dishonest

    their feeble minded attempts to corrupt the status quo is just a weak ploy to gain power

    rest assured that when the workers paradise is here, the only ones who benefit will be the party leaders

  4. Free trade is fine, if it is really "fair trade," but when other countries heavily subsidize their industries, and allow children to work for pennies an hour, is that really fair trade? WalMart is importing every year billions of dollars worth of tainted Chinese products. I don't think we should have so much trade with China as they are really a hostile nation that enslaves its own people and ships out products tainted by lead and other harmful substances.

    those who live in Democracies and support communism are either gullible or out of their freaking minds. Communism does lead to totalitarianism. Two of the worst mass murderers of all time were commies, Mao and Stalin.

  5. One humorist long ago had two sayings which apply very well in today's politics, and especially  in yahoo answers. " Too bad he put his mouth in gear before his brain connected " and " Why are there so many more horses A---s then there are horses?".

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