
Freebie sites!!!Scam or Not?

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which freebie sites are scams?

which are legit?

P.S. i personally would like to know if is a scam or not

post as many sites as u want!!!




  1. Hey well thers this really good site and its cmpletely lejit and real, its an actul apple website. And all you basically have to do is sign u for an account using this link:
    And then you complee an offer - thefree offer you can do is lovefilm one, you get a free dvd and then you send it back.
    And then depending on the item u wish to get free you need your friends to sign u and do the same for you - this is refferals, and when you have enough referals you can order your item! :) Hope this helped. if not i have made a clear step by step video, on my youtube which you can watch - itll help you.

    I know this site is completely lejit and it works really well. You can even search on the internt the people who are tatisfied with freebiejeebies - even on youtube there are people opening their gifts tht they got from there.

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