In America Freedom is given at birth. Every person is given the same freedom yet some people have no concept of what they actually have. I think in most cases it is becuase they have never had to do anything to keep or appreciate the freedom.
Do you think that if people did things to help our country civic service that we would have people who appreciate the freedom they have and less people complaining over little stuff.
I am not suggesting that everyone should serve in the military, but some people do nothing to participate. They don't Vote, they find ways out of jury duty, they dont volenteer to help.
There are plenty of ways to participate like JFK said "dont ask what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country"
If there were more people who took this to heart I think there would be less people thinking the government owes them a handout and appreciating what they do have. what do you think?