
Freedom! A Birthright or a Birthright that needs to be earned?

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In America Freedom is given at birth. Every person is given the same freedom yet some people have no concept of what they actually have. I think in most cases it is becuase they have never had to do anything to keep or appreciate the freedom.

Do you think that if people did things to help our country civic service that we would have people who appreciate the freedom they have and less people complaining over little stuff.

I am not suggesting that everyone should serve in the military, but some people do nothing to participate. They don't Vote, they find ways out of jury duty, they dont volenteer to help.

There are plenty of ways to participate like JFK said "dont ask what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country"

If there were more people who took this to heart I think there would be less people thinking the government owes them a handout and appreciating what they do have. what do you think?




  1. I agree with you.  Everyone should do some "community service."  The academy (high school) that my children attended required them to each have at least 10 days of community service during high school before they would qualify for graduation.

    While this requirement didn't seem like much at the time, it has helped to shape the kids that I raised.  My oldest son is now working on his doctorate in psychology and started a free counseling center for the homeless.  My middle child taught first graders in the south Pacific for a year (voluntarily).

    My youngest daughter is now in the tenth grade and can hardly wait to go to Russia and Mexico on her "community service project."  She has also asked if she can go help others in Japan as well.


    These things would NOT have occurred had they not been exposed to doing something for others during their high school years.

    I also think back to all the times I have heard about kids trying to commit suicide.  If they would do something for someone else, they wouldn't have time to focus on the "poor me" syndrome.

  2. I think you are absolutely correct and that is why I have been a proponent of required National Public Service. I think all citizens should be required to serve the public good for a minimum of 2 years, either upon completion of high school or a 2 or 4 year college. The public service could consist of military service, helping in a public school, street cleaning, there are a lot of things that could be useful. I do believe it would make people more responsible and more appreciative of their country.

  3. It's a birthright and one that you need to work to keep and defend. Yes, I do think that every citizen should spend 2 years do something for their country. I am going to join Americorps when I finish college.  I think the government owes us too, though. There is definitely room for improvement on both sides.

  4. I don't think it should be mandatory but what I think is that a sense of  pride and nationhood should be instilled in kids (too late for those before them who aren't civic minded) not only or not necessarily in school but by their parents as well.

    I know that they are many African Americans who aren't civic minded and they talk smack about The Man but they are many who don't think that way and those are the ones who are grew up hearing about the struggle and how hard life was before they had the opportunities afforded them today and they see their freedom as a privilige not a birthright.

    And you don't have to ram it down the kids throat just simple things like keeping your surrounding tidy, don't litter, which translates to keeping your country tidy and deportment. Simple things like teaching them to remember the golden rule, "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" which translates into looking out for each other and lending a helping hand. Simple things like pride and industry which later translates to patriotism and hard work.

  5. It is a birthright. But one which has to be protected and passed on to our posterity. JFK cadged that slogan from the one carved in stone over the entrance to the administration building at the Choate Academy. So, I don't know if his message was that it's O.K. to plagiarize without attribution or not.

    People think government owes them a handout because we have had six decades of a Federal Wizard King as the Chief Executive instead of the person who is supposed to be carrying out the duties prescribed in Article Two of our Constitution. Since less than one in five adult Americans ever read that document, it's easy to keep this disaster going.

    As for national service, it won't work. Those who are trying to find the magic "hole" to escape the path to jury duty will be the same ones looking for a way out of national service. Any former military member who was ever involved in conducting induction physicals during the era of the draft will tell you that there is no limit to the criminal behavior of some in their attempts to skirt the law.

    It will have to take some catastrophic economic calamity along the lines of the Great Depression to cull the herd and bring people back to the real world. That's how we shook up the spoiled darlings of the Roaring Twenties.

  6. I agree with some of the other answers that a mandatory public service requirement would not be a bad thing.  We are one of the few 1st world countries that doesn't have mandatory conscription.  Now, I'm not saying that the Military should be the only option, we can look at things like the Peace Corps. or any other socially or defense driven programs that exist or could be created to fullfill the requirement.  This would add to civic pride and build character in the potential future leaders of our nation.  One other thought, what if being an educator could count for the requirement of someone who waited until completing there four year degree?  Perhaps we could improve the education system be creating an environment where some of the top minds of the country give back through the education system before moving on to higher paying careers.  (Just an idea)

  7. Freedom is a God given birth right for everyone regardless of borders or religion.

    Freedom on the other hand is not free, to steal a phrase.

    Freedom must be fought for and protected.  That is where the Libs lose sight of the big picture.

    That want all the freedoms in the world bestowed on them, but are not willing to pay the price for them.

  8. At the time of the drafting, initiating of our constitution, and the bill of rights, along with the constitutional amendments, ALL men were subject to military duty.

    The original 'founding fathers' had no Idea that this country would deteriorate to the point which we experience, today.

    Freedom at birth? Yes, but there comes to mind an old axiom, which is true- so true: "THERE AIN'T NO SUCH THING AS A FREE LUNCH" !!!!!

    BTW, There are countries on this earth, whereby everyone MUST vote, or pay a hefty fine !!!

    Today, we all know that there are MILLIONS of Americans who "Eat the free lunch's" the rest of us pay for, both in military duty- including the 'Ultimate Sacrifice'- and through our politicians squandering our tax dollars to 'buy' votes, by extorting our money from us, and 'giving' that extorted money to the millions who won't work !!

    I am all for helping those who are in real need!!! BUT, a 'real need' does not include some one sleeping around, jacking away their life in a luxurious manner, taking the w.i.c., unemployment, assisted living costs, rental assistance(section 8), etc.

    I am a firm believer that the principle of " NO WORK, NO MONEY" !!! Can't find a job? The military has a job for you !!! No qualify for military? O.K., time to sweep the streets, clean the rest rooms at the local schools, library's, jails, etc. !!!!

    There are ways for those who do not presently contribute and pay for their freedoms, to 'anti-up' !!!!!!

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