
Freedom does not exist when you're paying $4 a gallon?

by  |  earlier

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I am so tired of seeing and hearing this slogan "Freedom is not Free." When you're paying $4, or more, for gasoline, that's not freedom!! That's not freedom! That's some form of tyranny right there.




  1. Now we can learn to be free from oil because we can't afford it.  It will help us get green.  We can do all of the things we should have been doing all pooling, taking public transportation.  Riding bicycles....using alternative fuel sources.  Give big oil as few of your dollars as possible.

  2. Tell your dumbass democrats to allow us to drill then..MAYBE PRICES WILL GO DOWN IF WE FIND OIL HUH????  But first we have to drill and your stupid democrats wont let us and there saying it HURTS THE ENVIRONMENT when it acctually doesn't..haha stupid asses! Animals acctually went to the oil pipelines in Alaska because of the warmth!!

  3. Hmm,

    So I guess we don't have freedom, because  Porshe 911 cost $60,000

    And I want it to cost $10,000.

    You pay more than $4.00 a gallon for soda !!!!!!!!

    It's amazing that you seem to be demanding that other countries, sell thier oil,

    For the price you think you should pay.

    Not for what they can sell it for.

  4. What does the price of gas have to do with freedom? Gas should be expensive, maybe you'll drive less and inadvertantly save the planet. In Europe they pay a lot more and you don't hear about them whining do you?

  5. You're free to refrain from purchasing it.

  6. It's freedom. I payed $20 today and got less than half a tank, it used to nearly fill her up! I guess the real question is, why isn't there freedom to develop an alternative/ cleaner/ synthetic fuel?

  7. I agree, allowing Big Oil and other companies to speculate on their products and gouge us is NOT freedom.  Worse yet, they're getting all these free tax payer handouts to supposedly search for alternative fuels and energy when you know they'll just produce another cancer-causing "clean fuel" and have to take it off the market anyway like before--disgusting!  And they always say Europe pays more--even though they have more benefits (better transportation system and health care system) and are paid more on average. Our gas is almost $5 here.

  8. Barring the freedom comment,it is a form of tyranny that will soon lead to a loss of our civil liberties.We are being systematically bled dry financially by the lluminati to become serfs in a Fascist New World Order.

  9. the environmentalists and the global warming n***s are going to have a hard time convincing Americans that taxes on energy are a good thing.

    High gas prices are causing riots globally, and possibly soon here.  If the global warming n***s want to add taxes on top of these outrageous prices, they will literally be lynched and there will be blood in the streets.

    In a twisted and ironic way, high gas prices may just defeat the global warming n***s.  We will be drilling soon, and people will not tolerate energy taxes.

    If we don't drill, the friggin chinese and cubans and russians will invade us and drill our oil right from under us.  The chinese and cubans already are in the gulf of mexico/carribean.

  10. yeah we take over a oil producing country and the gas is sky high, yeah, kick us in the A** it pisses me off i have to buy gas every other day, oh and i drive a pontiac sunfire (GM) one of the smallest cars out there and i still have to gas up just about everyday, i better go now it really makes me hot. on your side, :)

  11. I think your view of freedom is a bit parochial if it doesn't extend past your corner gas station.  Bread was more or less free in the Soviet Union.  Did that constitute freedom?

  12. Lucky you don't live in Europe

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