
Freedom is a choice. True or false?

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Freedom is a choice. True or false?




  1. Freedom is never a choice, it is either something you are born with, or something you seek out. If you were born in America, you were born free, until you decide to break the law or defy the government (like tax evasion) afterwards they will take it away from you for some time.

    In some country's like China, people don't have freedom, it is not within their basic human rights like most of the world. In order for them to be free, they would need to induce a massive revolution of epic proportions, which would probably never be possible considering that China has the largest police and military force in the world.

    Before man was civilized, he was nothing more than a wild animal (unless you believe in the Bible or some other work of fiction). They formed tribes of hunters and gatherer's, and all they did was hunt in order to survive. They had groups that needed to work together, and in those groups there was a simple hierarchy, where a few or one individual had more authority, only because it helped the group as a whole. In time, when man became intelligent enough to fully understand the concept of power and control, he began to implement it on those who weren't smart enough to realize it as a form of enslavement or control.  

    Understand that almost all of the world is ruled and controlled by those who think themselves to be better than the rest. Although America is considered free, it is less now then it has been, and in time who knows where the government will take it. If the people become so oblivious to a governments wrongdoing, or if they're tricked into giving up their freedoms in exchange for security, they willfully throw away all that those before them died and fought for. When your freedom is eventually taken away, your only choice is to revolt at the risk of imprisonment or death, or to comply knowing that you will live out the rest of your days as a human sheep.

  2. Freedom is a never ending struggle. The only real freedom any of us have is "Freedom of Thought".

  3. yes it is absolutely true.....

  4. i dont really think its a choice. either your free or your not. you make your own decisions or somebody else makes them for you.  

  5. Total freedom is an unattainable concept.

    Freedom starts exist within your mind, you don't have to live in the West to experience it.

    But we still don't know why some people choose to be free and other to submit. Your genes and psychological development might have something to do with it.

  6. Freedom is not free and we choose whether or not it means enough for us to fight for it.  Obviously, our forefathers thought so and millions who have followed in their footsteps by joining the Armed Forces and fighting for this country.

  7. True, especially in a democratic nation. The people vote for whatever freedoms they do or don't have.  

  8. Freedom is a right which has to be fought for and to be diligent  in keeping it .  

  9. False.  In our society and country, I believe it is a privilege

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