
Freedom of speech in the USA doesn't exist with Yahoo?

by  |  earlier

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they govern everything that you say or do on this site, even though Yahoo is an American based corporation. They surpress the rights of their fellow man and claim that it isn't their fault, they surpress your rights on freedom of speech, freedom of expression and freedom of the press on here, even though we are all living in the Land of the Free.

And all of the yahoo community just go right along with it, so if your not part of the solution then you must be part of the problem.

Yahoo Inc is running their site as if they are communist and do what their counterparts in the People's Republic of China are doing, surpressing the rights and freedoms of their fellow countrymen, all for the sake of money.

Uh Oh, here comes the Yahoo Troll Patrol again, I am just shaking in my shoes.




  1. Freedom of speech does not exist with Yahoo.  Yahoo could censor every post they didn't like, and it wouldn't conflict with the first amendment, since the constitution applies to governments, not companies.

    That being said, if Yahoo censors so many posts, then why can I read yours?

  2. Didn't you know that when you signed up. Take a break dude you think to much and your putting to much into it. Its only Yahoo. Like who really cares. Most of the participants on here are like probable young adults to teen's anyway. Really do you think in any county there is a freedom of speech. Only as long as the politicians keep getting their pockets fat and nobody steps on their toes. You shouldn't think so much your gonna get all stressed out and give yourself a heart attact. Relax and enjoy life it is to short to be so serious.

  3. Ok fella, here we go.  First of all, Yahoo is not a private company, they are a publicly traded company.  Second, the right to free speech has nothing to do with individual companies be they public or private.  There is nothing in the Constitution that says your boss cannot tell you what to say.  

    The Freedom of Speech you are so near and dear to, is in reference to the government only.  The government cannot shut down your right to say anything you want.  The government cannot tell you not to say things.  Private companies and even publicly traded companies have the right to tell anyone who works for them or in this case uses their products what to say or how to say it.  You signed up for the deal and probably didn't read the small print which would make this a YOU problem and not a "US" problem, as the rest of us seem to have gotten the message.

    Also dude, have you forgotten about the ability to turn the channel or go to another website?  If you are so pissed off about these racist symbols and pornography, go to some other website.  If not then just shut up because it is you who is trying to justify ways to take away Yahoo Inc's free speech by wanting these things done away with.

  4. Why not?

    Look at the question out there.

    Depend on what communication system were one using.

    Can it be in analogue or digital.

    Try and change the frequency from AM,MW,SW,LW in analogue to VHF,UHF in digital.

    If in analogue will be behind time.

    So change frequency.

    What do you think.?

  5. Private company has the right to enforce terms of service. Buy into it or start your own. Free speech permits you to do that.

  6. Yahoo is private property.  They are free to restrict the use of their private property.  You are free to not use Yahoo's private property.  Constitutional guarantees of "freedom of speech" apply only to government, not to the uses of private property.  I am free to eject someone from my home who says things that I don't like, and it is not a "freedom of speech" issue.

    So grow up.

  7. You have agreed to use this service to express your opinions.  That in itself is freedom of speech.  Yahoo is just being politically correct to protect them from law suits.

    If you really wanted free speech and yahoo at the same time, ask yahoo to make an uncensored section.

    Free speech is being able to say "Somewhere in Texas a village is missing an idiot, but only for one more year."

  8. You can post it in front of your door at your house and Yahoo won't bother you.

  9. When you sign up, you agree that Yahoo can edit, and delete your posts however they see fit.

    So by signing up, you voluntarily give up your freedom of speech.

  10. Yahoo is a private company-----they can do what they want.  If you don't like it, find someplace else to hang out.

  11. Go down to the bottom of the page,theres a couple of subject u need to read.If u don`t like the way things r done around here go to China,lets know if it is any better.Or better yet close ur acct.

  12. Sorry but as a private concern they have every right to keep your comments off this site.  They can kick you totally off permanently.

    You might look at the WAY you have given the answer.

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