
Freedom of speech? or somthing else

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Ok today me and my friends were at the park living it up. I was swearing really bad. So this guy with his grand-duaghter and wife. Started looking at me. I did'nt say any thing to the guy then he left and left his grandchild and wife still there. He walked across the road towards the police station. I then freaked out (I had four cans or pepper spray on me. because I was deliver a very expensive package to the post office). So I took off and ditch. Then my friends called me and told me that they told the police on me. And that they were looking for me. I live in illinois so mace is legal right? But could I get charged with evading arrest and what else will happen to me if im caught. I've never been in trouble with the law before and I dont intend to do somthing stupid again. I did not have a cop telling me to stop or chasing me.




  1. Well, you weren't evading arrest, since no officer was yelling, "Stop. Police" or some other notice. I really think your friends are yanking your chain. And you might have been committing an offense by your language, but they're not going to be hunting you down or anything.  

  2. Something else.  It is called disorderly conduct.  Freedom of speech only goes so far, up until the public is offended (saying "Obama/Mccain sucks" doesn't count).

    Unless an officer physically witnessed that misdemeanor, then nothing will come of it.  Officers cannot write misdemeanor citations for events that occured with out being seen by them.  There are a few exceptions, but none that apply here.  

  3. You are not in trouble but have some respect in public

  4. Okay, you could have been charged with peace disturbance.  Cursing is not protected under the free speech amendment.  If your cursing is loud enough in a public place to cause offense to others, it is peace disturbance.  But the cops would not hunt you down.  He probably went to the station to make a complaint, and your friends got caught and warned.  They just wanted you to join in the fear.

    As to the mace.  Mace is legal, but if you were delivering a package to the post office that made you so afraid that you needed to carry 4 cans of mace.  Then why were you taking the chance of living it up in the park?  

  5. Where I live,

    Profanity is considered legal free speech.

  6. No, cussing up a storm and offending people in public isn't your right. A really mature person knows how to tone it down a bit for the sake of others who are also trying to enjoy the park.

  7. Say whats right and no cussing or emmbarrasing someebody

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