
Freelance business english trainer in Germany?

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Does anyone know some contract laws about freelance english training in Germany and some tips to be successful?




  1. You might want to ask this question at

    This is the site where all the people who have already done so hang out. They know the ins and out of the german laws, especially regarding immigration and work permits and about moving to Germany as a native english speaker.

  2. There's a differnce in Germany that you probably don't know when running a freelance business: There's the regular business you have to register and pay all taxes and insurances by yourself; and then there's the real freelancer ("Freiberufler") in German who only gets a registration number by the financial authorities ("Finazamt"), pays less taxes, and can have social insurance throught the artist' social insurance union ("Künstlersozialkasse", my English translation doesn't really hit the point, but I don't know better). But, and that's a BIG "but": What applies to you, whether you're running a business or are a freelancing artist, is in the sole discretion of the financial authorities! Once they've decided that you have to run a regular business, and you've signed that, you're lost.

    If you have a contract with a company, though, that's none of your problems. Just make sure that they pay proper social insurance, which they are, by German law, obliged to, and take it as a chance to stay and do your own business.

    Good luck!

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