
Freelance options in malaysia?

by Guest34384  |  earlier

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i've come to malaysia to do my msc. uptill now i was remotely doing part time work for my company via the internet. i am a web/graphic/infomation designer. today my boss tells me the company is going through a tough time and if possible to find work in malaysia.

i told i cant coz i'm on a student visa and the gov rules against outsiders working here. but still i can do freelance work here. problem is since i'm new to malaysia i have no idea who are the leading web/ design houses over here.

guys got any insight on this???




  1. have you google any webportal community in malaysia? like joomla malaysian community or something like that? i dont know, all i want is a cheap web designer freelancer... best of luck to you  :)

  2. well, if you are good at writing , you can join us at,, (under 30)

    or you can visit this website,

    freelance, speaker, writer, model,

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