I am looking to cancel my subscription to FreeLotto or PlasmaNet (same company). I subscribed 2 days ago and now doing research on company and it seems as a scam. I tried to cancel via their page with an "auto-populated" login but it needs a password that was never issued in order to change account status. When clicking "forgot password", it said the email for me in their account was invalid (which is weird because I receive communication from them via email) then it said press back and retry, I did, it said email was sent but I still never received it. I sent an Email to fast@freelotto.com and to customerservice@freelotto.com and waiting response (they say it can take up to 2 days). Also, when I got my welcoming letter from them, there was a contact name "Laura" with her email. I sent her a question of how much my pmt would and the frequency, I never received a response from laura@freelotto.com (that one has been 2 days). Called 212-931-6760 and they don't do live cust service.