
Freely vent how you are feeling in a poem?

by  |  earlier

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Make up a poem on the spot about how your feeling.




  1. I have seen a weakness in his eyes

    Yet somehow I enjoy his lies

    How long can this guise abide?

    He believes that I believe

    ...but whose facade will fall first?

  2. If I could be a little cloud

    How happy I would be.

    If I could p**s and moan out loud

    My heart would fill with glee.

    Yet, here I sit to lean and groan

    With spasms down my back.

    My throbbing soles commiserate

    With feet that can't shout back.

    Layers of my day's work

    Has dried upon my face.

    And sweat which poured down on me

    Now stinks behind my wake.

    OH to be a little cloud

    A clean, white little fluffy cloud.

    OH to be.....zzzzzz~~~snore.

  3. Disgusted with some

    of my reactions to my actions

    Why oh why

    Do my minds thoughts appear to me this way

    When I look outside and see a perfectly sunny day!

    OK there you have it!

  4. i would but i cant write poems for shiet so uh yeah...but idk how im feeling, maybe indescribable?indifferent? idk....

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