
Freestyle stroke question?

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When i swim freestyle i do breathing every 2 strokes what are other combinations?

I do breathe on the right side-i feel alternating very distractive-how can i improve that?

Also if i want to breathe alternating left/right what is optimal stroke count between breathers?

thnaks for tips.




  1. you should breathe every 3 or 5 strokes, alternating sides

  2. If you breathe every 2 strokes, then of course, with alternate breathing you would want to do 3. Sometimes I do 5, but usually I do 4. Well, actually, I feel comfortable with 4-2, and I know how you feel with the alternate breathing. It just doesn't feel right... Just remember to blow bubbles, like you were taught, if the reason that you are breathing every 2 is because you're short of breath. (P.S. I'm meaning 1 is one stroke with one arm, so 2 strokes would be like right arm, then left arm)

  3. 2-2-3

  4. Try breathing every 3,5,or 7.  That also works very well with bilateral (breathing to each side) breathing.  If you do all that if with also teach you to not need to breathe as much.  Or basically control your breathing. Good luck!!

  5. I am a competitive swimmer and i also like to breath on my right side. But it is better to alternate because you can see the people your swimming against on ether sides. Breath control is very important if you want to go faster. I would practice with a few laps breathing every 3 strokes. it will be odd at first. And continue until it feels comfortable. Then I would do a few more laps breathing every 5 strokes... and so on with 7,9, and 11(only if your comfortable). Do this a few times a week. Also try different combinations like take 3 strokes then breath, then take 5 strokes and breath, then 3 strokes and so on... also try 5,7 and 3,9. Let me no if you would like some drills that will help you go faster.

  6. It is always best to breathe in between an odd number of strokes (3,5,7..) The optimal stroke rate for you is probably every three strokes. A good reason to breathe to both sides is because your body rotates more evenly. If you only breathe to your right side, your stroke won't be as smooth and you will be much less efficient.

    It will feel awkward at first, but practice makes perfect!

  7. It really doesn't matter any combination between breathing. take a breath whenever you have to have one... the key to swimming faster though is breathing as little as possible and when you do take the breath do it with as little movement as possible (that is all comfort level of the swimmer)

  8. After coaching for almost 30 years, earning a Masters degree in exercise physiology, studying kinesiology, and coaching age group national record holders, high school All-Americans, several Olympic Trials qualifiers, and one Olympic finalist PLUS I've read volumes of research ... The reality, with regard to speed, is that there is no advantage  to alternate side breathing.  The only advantage to alternate side breathing is that you can see your competition.  

    If you've been watching the Olympic Trials, you'll have noticed that many swimmers breathe to one side only.  

    OK ... a term you need ... STROKE CYCLE - a stroke cycle is one stroke from each arm.  So, in front and back crawl, it is one left and one right arm and in fly/breast it is both arms at once.  

    While in practice most swimmers, while doing front crawl, breathe once every stroke cycle.  Sometimes, you work at holding your breath (hypoxic training) and you breathe every two, three, or more stroke cycles.  

    Racing is different than training and it clearly depends on the distance you'll swim.

  9. How many strokes before breathing depends on how far the race is but I would defiantly go for more then two strokes before a breath. I mostly do shorter races so I just go as far as I can possiblly go on my first breath since when you need air you will swim faster

  10. swimmers are LAZY!!!! okay not really, but they look to get to the other side of the pool useing the least amount of energy possible. okay, done the lecture. the whole key about swimming efecitaly is being smoth and streamline. sooo u always breath every other side, ALWAYS!!!! u useally breath every three strokes which causes u breath on each side. but u can breath on every 3, 5, and 7 strokes wat ever feels best. i sudgest every three. good luck GURL!

  11. I use the every three strokes approach, it works well. But the learning to breathe on the other side, just takes time.

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