Question: Is it a scam?

by  |  earlier

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I signed up with it and put my credit card in and all of the information on their website and they were supposed to email me the rest of the information to check my credit. Have I beenripped off? I keep checking my e-mail and nothing yet. It has been 2 hours. Please help!




  1. You been had!!!  Cancel if you can, and put a watch on your card!!

  2. obviously...

  3. things like this typically are a 'scam'.  if you read the fine print (but who does?), its all there though...  

    i havent looked into this specific service, but i would imagine it works similar to other.  IF the service is actually free for any amount of time, you will have to contact them to cancel if you decide not to keep it.  if you do not cancel, they will continue the membership and charge you for the next payment.

    i cant say for sure if you've been had, but in the future, you should go through a more reputable company (such as, as seen on tv).

  4. You  do  know  there  is  only  one  legit  site   for  the  free annual  credit  report ,   right  ?

    And  you  may  have  to  pay  a  few  bucks  for  the  score  but  .   .   .

    You  would  rather  give  some  strange  place  all  your  info  ?

    Just   to  avoid  paying  a   few  bucks  for  a  score  ?

    WHY     would   they   pay  to  get  your  score  for  you  ?

    Hope   you  don't  find   giant  shopping  sprees  on your  credit  report   the  next  6 months  .  .  .

  5. anything on line like that is a scam, why dont you try finding a number for them and ring them up, if not tell your bank account people and they will sort it out

  6. Don't know if it can really be called a scam, but if you didn't read the small print and you provided a credit card number you probably signed yourself up for something else, like regular reports at a cost or newsletters, etc.

    You can get your credit report for free once a year from all three major credit reporting agencies at their website. They do not ask you for a credit card number.

    Maybe you can quickly call your credit card and cancel the transaction. Look on the back of your card for a phone number.

    And in the future don't give out your credit card number without thoroughly reading everything.

  7. SSSCCCAAAMMM, can't you smell it?

    When you Google a site and it's one of the top Google Adwords, all the time, you expect the company to actually work.

    I searched for "credit report," and always seems to pop up in the sponsored results. It claims to offer you 3 free credit reports, and it claims that the only catch is no-obligation membership to and, with a 7 day free trial.

    What they don't tell you:

    1) You never get access to the site

    2) The few that do get access hate it

    3) They make it impossible to cancel

    All three of these brands (,, and are apparently owned by some random marketing company.

    I signed up for the free credit reports, and the site displayed my confirmation number. I waited. And waited. And waited. Never received my account confirmation or information so I could actually login. Checked my spam and trash. Nothing...

    After a couple days of nothing, I sent an e-mail to them reporting that I have not received my account information. Nobody replied.

    The next day, I called the numbers to both services to cancel them. was easy to cancel. However, has an automated phone system that doesn't work. I, of course, don't have my account info that's required to cancel, so I pressed the button to retrieve my account number. I tried entering my phone and credit card numbers several time; it just doesn't work.

    I sent a second e-mail to them demanding that they cancel my account and send me a confirmation. If this BS gets charged on my card, I'm taking this to the BBB.

    I've surfed the web, and a lot of people have the same problem. The few that don't say that the credit reports were "lacking," meaning it basically lacked the info that you would expect to find in a credit report.

    Do not mess with,, or, because you will get burned!

    Also don't try is NOT the website to get your free annual credit report!

    "I'm thinking of a number..." Sure, the number of people who have been fleeced! has been advertising heavily on television, saying that you can get a FREE credit report at their website.  The young smiling guy says

    "I'm thinking of a number between 450 and 850.  Do you know what it is?"... "You can find out right now at!"

    WARNING: FREE CREDIT REPORT.COM IS A SCAM! The name of the website and their advertising is misleading and clearly attempting to imply that you can obtain free, obligation-free credit reports from them. The State of Florida Office of the Attorney General is investigating is not the website that offers the free credit reports in provided by the US federal directive.

    Only at the very end of the commercial do they quickly mention that you need to sign up for a package. ("Free credit report comes with enrollment to TripleAdvantage", with no further explanation - note: subsequent versions of the commercial indicate it is a subscription). The website contains the following fine print:

    When you order your free report here, you will begin your free trial membership in Triple AdvantageSM Credit Monitoring. If you don’t cancel your membership within the 30-day trial period, you will be billed $12.95 for each month that you continue your membership. If you are not satisfied, you can cancel at any time to discontinue the membership and stop the monthly billing; however, you will not be eligible for a pro-rated refund of your current month’s paid membership fee. has also been investigated by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and forced to pay fines.

    The only way to get your free annual credit report is by going through the FTC-mandated website:  The Federal Trade Commission, the nation’s consumer protection agency, set up this website, where you can request a free credit report under U.S. federal law. This is due to a recent amendment to the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act requiring each of the nationwide consumer reporting companies – Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion – to provide you with a free copy of your credit report, at your request, once every 12 months. Many other websites claim to offer "free" credit reports, but may charge you for another product if you accept a "free" report. Don't be fooled!

    To request your free credit report at the approved website, click here, then on the page that comes up, select your state and click the red "request report button.

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