4 years old. 10 days ago, freezer stopped freezing. Kept hearing a clicking noise, like a switch, go for 10 seconds or so then stop. Would do this every five minutes, but freezer no longer freezing. Took everything out, called the repairman. By the time he showed up 2 days later, the freezer was again working, he was unwilling to do anything. 4-5 days with freezer OK.2 days ago, freezer stopped freezing again. Same clicking noise.Yesterday I noticed the inside refrigerator french doors - a lot of heat coming from both surfaces where the doors meet. Refrigerator getting warmer, got up to 60 degrees. Took all of the food out. This morning, freezer partially freezing, refrigerator at about 45 (warmer than usual).Repairman coming tomorrow, what can I tell him? Something's obviously not right. I've read a few other posts here, mine is very intermittent.