
Freezer door open all night..brown liquid running from bottom??

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So i left my frezzer door open last night and found it this am at about 6am. Everything is thawed out and there is pools of water from where our bag of ice melted. It's a frezzer ontop the fridge. Well now there is brown liquid coming from under the fridge (looks like pepsi)...what is this and is it toxic for my cats?

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  1. It's probably toxic. Well, not poison toxic but bacterial infection make you sick toxic.

    I sometimes get stuff like that when I have packages of meat and they drip.

    There is also a possibility that your fridge/freezer was trying to hard to cool something that couldn't be cooled, and leaked coolant fluid.

    Throw away everything that was in the freezer, put a thermometer in the fridge compartment and then check whether that stays cool also.

    Even if the food wasn't spoiled and infected with bacteria by melting, almost all food doesn't re-freeze well.

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