I have this recipe for nut burgers:
mixed ground nuts
half cup wholemeal flour
1 onion
1 carrot
3 heaped teaspoons cooked spinach
2 tsps chopped parsley
1 tbsp sunflower seeds
2 tbsp sunflower oil
1/2 tsp mixed herbs
black pepper
1 tbsp soya sauce
water to bind
Mix ingredients together, divide into 8 burgers, bake on each side for 12 minutes at gas 5/ 190`C.
Thought I'd add the full recipe in case anyone would like to try it :)
Anyway, It serves 4 so I was wondering if I would be able to freeze the other half so I would have a quick meal for another day?
And I don't want to hear about how real burgers are better or anything like that.