
French 2 & 3?

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In order to get an advanced diploma, my son is required to take three years of foreign language. Last year he took French 1 and did good the first half of the semester, but afterwards got lost in translation. He did barely pass the class and went ahead and signed up for the next two this year to get them out of the way. He will also have a different teacher(part of last years difficulty). Would it be wise for him to try 2 & 3 or should he just stick with a standard diploma? What are some ways to help him, especially with French verbs and tenses?




  1. Well I would suggest sticking with the standard diploma and if he's going good then call the school and see if he could step up to French 2. If thats not allowed then you could do it the other way around and try French 2 and if he's stuggling then ask if you can they can put him back in regular French. If you can't do either then it would be best if he stayed in standard french... better safe then sorry.

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