
French Government Building?

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What French government building is this:

and what are some facts on the building?





  1. It's the "Hotel de Crillon", on the "Place de la Concorde". "Hotel de la Marine" is on the other side of the "Rue Royale", opposite the Crillon and the "Assemblée Nationale" on the opposite bank of the Seine river. All are close to one another.

    Anyway, it's not a Government building, but a very expensive hotel.

  2. Its the Hotel de la Marine, the Naval Ministry building.

    Its right next door (across the street) to the Crillon and looks almost exactly like it.In fact, it looks so much alike that I can't guarantee that the picture you have isn't the Hotel Crillon.

    The great 18th-century architect Jacques-Ange Gabriel designed both buildings.

  3. it is not the assemblée nationale.

    can't quite remember what it is yet... it is located place de la concorde though... looks like a hotel.

    Hotel the Crillon

  4. It's the French Assemblée Nationale or lower house of the Parliament (the other one being the Senate, le Sénat).

    Here is the official site, in English:

    Edit: thanks to the other contributors. What a stupid mistake! OK, going back to sleep now....

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