
French Monarchy anyone still alive?

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I was recently watching the Man In The Iron Mask and whilst appreciating that it is fiction, it did make me wonder if there is anyone alive today who would have a legitimate claim to the french Crown.




  1. Charles Mary Jerome Victor Napoleon Bonaparte.

  2. Most of those type of watch movies online sites usually have a fee to pay for their services.

    Maybe you can try

    Not fantastic but meets the need.

    Hope this helps.


  3. There are a few 'distant' lines to the french monarchy, however the lines are so filtered that a Monarchy could never be re-established.

  4. take your pick:

    Louis XX

    Henry V

    Napoleon VII

  5. Quite a few claimants to the French throne, ranging from Orleanists to Bourbons.

    What is most interesting is that there are Bonapartes in the US -- descendants of Jerome, Napoleon's younger brother. They are all American citizens ... indeed a generation or two ago, one of them, Charles Bonaparte, served in the Cabinet of Pres. Theodore Roosevelt as Attorney General!!!! Furthermore, he is the A-G who ordered the establilshment of the FBI.   He had a sterling reputation as a lawyer and as a municipal reformer.  

  6. No - French Republicans were VERY efficient, so too, come to think of it were the Russians, perhaps we ought to think along similar lines and abolish 'our' Monarchy too.

  7. A direct descendant of Louis XIII of France as well as Alphonse XIII of Spain, Louis Alphonse (a.k.a. Louis XX) is Head of the House of Bourbon.  Luis Alfonso Gonzalo Victor Emanuel Marcode Borbon y Martinez-Bordiu was born 25 April 1974, in Madrid and grew up in Spain.  Much to the displeasure of King Juan Carlos, of Spain, Louis' first cousin, once removed, Louis proclaimed his title, Duke of Anjou, on his wedding invitations.  Interesting enough, the French Minister of Justice recognizes Louis Alphonse as "His Royal Highness".  

    A very post-modern royal, Louis Alphonse works for the Banco Occidental de Descuento in Venezuela where he has lived since 2005.  The Duke's only daughter, Eugenia, was born on 5 March 2007 to his wife Margarita, at Mount Sinai Medical Center, Miami, Florida, so the heir apparent to the House of Bourbon was born in the United States.

  8. I think they were all bumped off by Mme Guilotine in the French revolution.

  9. This question deserves a better answer.

    After the Revolution, the French Bourbon family's descent was in two lines.:

    1. the direct line, descended from Charles X the brother of Louis XVI..  This ended in the 1880s with the so-called henry V, the grandson of , Charles X.

    2. the Orleans line, descended from the Duc d'Orleans, the brother of Louis XIV.  their descendant Louis-Philippe gained the throne as 'King of the French' in 1830, but lost it in 1848.

    His descendants are the Comtes de Paris,  There is still a Comte de Paris, the legitimate claimant to the French throne.  Fat chance he has.

  10. Prince Henri Philippe Pierre Marie d'Orleans, comte de Paris, duc de France (born June 14, 1933) is one claimant to the French throne.

    He is the great-great-great grandson of Frances' last king  Louis-Philippe I, a member of the house of Orleans.

    The duke of Paris is a direct descendant of Philippe duc d'Orleans, younger brother of Louis XIV, the sun king.

    If Henri Philippe were king of France today he would be Henri VII.

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