
French Money??

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What do they call their money in France?




  1. EURO

  2. Euro.

    BUT dont say "yuro", but "euh-rro"

  3. The French use Euro's but some places in france will except both the franc and euro!

  4. Hey everyone -- not everyone in the European Union uses euros!  Great Britain, for instance, uses pounds sterling.  

    The French, however, converted to euros several years ago.

  5. hy, since 2002 all states of the european union use the EURO, former they had Francs

  6. And! Now that we've answered the question and are off subject...In Deutschland the "euro" is pronounced "oy-row" and in Italia "arrow"! Everyone using the euro seems to be avoiding Switzerland these days as they are not part of the EU, so one must pass through border/passport checks and convert money to go/stay there! Just go to Austria, it's just as nice without the hassle!

  7. Since January 1999 the curency used in France has been the Euro. Before, they were using the French francs.

  8. It was originally Francs, however  it is part of the European Union now and the currency is Euro

  9. in europe everyone apart of the european uninon uses the euro

    but france use to use francs, but not anymore.

    just the euro.
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