
French Questions..?

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OK so i heard that in france there is barely ever more than one bathroom in a house. Is that true?? because i definetely need my own bathroom or i'll like die.

also i heard that they dont have air conditioning. is that true??

please tell me anything else kinda crazyish i should know...because i'm moving to france in a couple of months. yikes.

k love you bye! <3




  1. Most houses have at least two bathrooms. Some three. Others only one. As far as air conditioning that&#039;s true. Most French prefer fresh air. That&#039;s why they have huge windows from ceiling to floor. This lets in fresh air better. Also the main meal is eaten during the afternoon unlike America where the main meal is supper. Also table manners in France is more communial. The main meal is placed in a huge bowl that is passed around the table.

  2. Joker is generally correct about this subject (give him the 10 points).

    I have some small disagreements with what he has said.

    There is less air conditioning in France because France has generally cooler weather than much of the United States. For example, the normal average high in Paris in August is only 76°F.  Its also a matter if money since, the fact is that the average French family has less discretionary income than the average American family primarily due to higher taxes and the cost of electricity is greatly higher in France than in the USA.  So I&#039;m not convinced its a matter of being fresh air lovers or having better constructed homes.

    As to the number of bathrooms, it is true that there are fewer bathrooms in the average French residence than the average American residence because (1) the average American residence is considerably larger than the average French residence and  (2) a higher percentage of Americans live in single family detached homes (which tend to have more bathrooms than apartments).

  3. Oh, how I envy you. I love France.  When I was in Paris, I stayed with my aunt and uncle.  The had one full bathroom and one room with a toilet and sink.  I don&#039;t recall air conditioning, but that&#039;s cause it was cold when I went so we didn&#039;t use it.  I think it just depends on the house and how nice it is.  Oh, they also have like porta-pottys on the side of the street in the city. You have to pay to use it too! If you have anymore questions, let me know.

  4. far worse than that u go theres a communal toilet n shower at the bottom of the street, they also have open running soooo medieval over there i mean god you with a bathroom for every bedroom in your posh little hamptons manor won&#039;t survive

  5. Hey sweetie

    Concerning bathrooms , it really depends of where you will live :

    - appartement or house

    - host family or student complex

    - will you live alone or with roomates

    I think most of appartements have only one bathroom, and when a family includes more than 4 people, they might have a 2nd bathroom.

    But do not expect to have one bathroom for each person if you&#039;re living at 5-6.

    I was living in USA for 2 years, and it was common to see some appart and houses with only one bathroom.

    I didn&#039;t noticed big differences between France and USA on this point.

    Or maybe one : in France (and it&#039;s better for it), usually, bathroom is split in 2 rooms : one restroom with toilet seat and another with washstand, sink and bath or shower.

    And concerning AC, that&#039;s really true that quite no houses or appartements owns Air Conditionning in France.

    You can buy an air conditioner item, but you don&#039;t really need it while it seems to be vital in USA.

    Why ? Because in USA, houses are made with thin prefabricated plastic material, the thermal insulation is usually crappy, so obviously, you need so much energy to send back hot air.

    You should try to consider that Air Conditioning is a big energy burning for OUR planet.

    What else concerning France ?

    - you won&#039;t be allowed to go out with your gunfire

    - you will have to walk more

    - you won&#039;t be able to find a supermarket opened at 3 am

    - you will have less choice concerning fast-foods, and drinks won&#039;t be free refill

    - you will have to learn how to drive with manual transmission

    - you won&#039;t be allowed to call with your cellphone while driving.


    Anyway, have a good trip

    Bienvenue en France et Bon voyage.

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