
French Speaker can someone who speaks real good french...?

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i want someone who speaks good french to correct this for me. i want someone who actually speaks french and is 100% good at it. THANKYOU

--here is the story. someone body translated it for me in french but im not sure if its correct.

Quand j'avais six ans, mon père m'a acheté un vélo. Il était bleu brillant avec des petites roulettes. J'allais partout avec. J'en prenais grand soin. Je ne laissais personne le toucher. Un jour je l'ai cassé. le guidon s'est détaché. Ca m'a rendu triste, je ne savais pas quoi faire. Alors j'ai attrapé le vélo et je l'ai amené chez mon cousin pour qu'il y jette un oeil et m'aide à le réparer. Mon cousin qui a un grand sens de l'humour a pris de la super glue et a commencé à le réparer avec ça. Comme j'avais six ans, je pensais que c'était comme ça qu'on réparait les vélos. Après qu'il eut fini avec la super glue, il m'a rendu le vélo et m'a dit de l'essayer. Je suis monté sur le vélo, le guidon s'est de nouveau détaché et je suis tombé la tête contre le sol. Mon cousin a commencé à se moquer de moi. Je me suis énervé, j'ai pris le vélo et je suis rentré chez moi. J'ai raconté l'histoire à mon père, il m'a dit qu'il le réparerait, mais je lui ai dit de ne pas s'ennuyer à le faire, du coup il ne s'en est jamais occupé. J'ai seize ans maintenant et ce vélo me manque encore. Ca a été le plus beau vélo que j'ai jamais eu. Aucun autre vélo ne peut l'égaler.


when i was six my dad bought me a bike. it was blue and shiny with training wheels. i rode it to everywhere i went. i took real good care of it. i didnt let anyone touch it. one day i broke it. the handle come off. i got sad, i didnot know what to do. so i grabbed the bike and took it to my cousin's house. i tolds my cousin to look at and help me fix it. my cousin who has a really funny humor got super glue and started to fix it with that. since i was six i thought thats how people fix bikes. after he was done with the super glue he gave the bike back to me and told me to try riding it. i rode the bike and the handle came off again and i fell flat on my face. my cousin started laughing at me. i got mad took the bike and went back home. i told my dad about the bike he said he would have it fixed for me but i told him dont bother i dont want it fixed so he never bothered fixing it. im 16 now and i still miss that bike. it was the prettiest bike i had ever seen. no other bike can be compared to it.




  1. Hi Lala,

    The translation is great, makes sense et does not have any grammatical mistake. You can trust it 100%. Sad story BTW!

    I am a 33 year old French Citizen, born and raise in France. I think you can trust me as far as my French level.

    I am glad I was able to help!

  2. The translation is perfect - whoever did it for you did a really good job! Be sure to congratulate them

    The only one (very slight) error i can see it the sentance:

    'it was the prettiest bike i had ever seen'

    in the french this is translated to it was the prettiest bike i've ever had.

    if you want to say ever seen just change the eu in j'ai jamais eu to vu:

    Ca a été le plus beau vélo que j'ai jamais vu

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