
French Transaltion?

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I need some phrases translated in French

I am going to France on Oct.

How do you translate

Hello how are you

very nice to meet you

where are you going

how do I go to ( get to ) the .........

Hope to see you again

I love you, good bye




  1. I would suggest getting a traveler's phrase-book (with a GOOD pronunciation guide).  Also, don't forget that many people in Europe speak English; if you need to, simply speak up and say, "Does anyone here speak English?"  Be sure to thank whoever helps you.

  2. Hello, how are you = Bonjour, Comment allez vous ? (Bon - zhoor, ko-man-tah-ley-voo ?)

    very nice to meet you = enchanté (an-shan-tey)

    where are you going = Où allez-vous ? (oo ah-ley voo )

    How do I go to the ... = Comment aller à ... (ko-man tah-ley ah)

    Hope to see you again = J'espère vous revoir (zhes-pair voo rev-war)

    I love you = Je vous aime (zhe voo zaim)

    good bye = au revoir (o rev-war)

  3. bonjour comment allez-vous?

    je suis tres heureux de vous rencontrez

    ou allez -vous??

    comment puis-je aller a /au

    j ' espere vous revoir bientot

    je t aime(just for relationship) je vous apprecie( it s better...i appreciate you)

    au revoir

    i am french so you can trust me lol;)

  4. You can go to, or better yet, visit your local bookstore and spend 10 to 15 dollars on an English to French to English translation book.  They come pocket sized, and are generally sorted by subject so they are easy to use.
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