I just need to know some french similes, just because I'm trying to learn as much as I can before I go to school this year and then major in it in college freshman year... Plus I like cussing out my mother in French so I don't get bitched at and I can release my anger a bit... Since I know I shouldn't, you know, cuss at her and p**s her off (I know that she's an undiagnosed and unstable bi-polar person, but she won't accept or admit she has the symptoms). I kind of want to use vulgar kinds, like um....
"You're a '(god) d.a*mn/fu_c.k-in-g' b*i.tc*h" - the ones in the apostrophes are the ones I would like. I know these emphasis would be just equivalents, but make them still mean basically the same thing. (I know "va te faire foutre," is like saying, "f.u_c.k off/f.u_c.k you/go f.u_c.k yourself. So, yeah, just some things that get as close as possible that are used naively.
Also, if I wasn't that pissed, but still pissed, I would use the same sentence, probably, maybe changing the noun, but with 'such,' as the emphasis.
Comment-dit on ce(s?) choses en Français? Merci, et s'il vous plaît.
Now - similes.
I use them a lot when trying to write in my journal.... I'm not THAT negative of a person, but specifically I remember, "she's acting like a ***** today."
But others would be
"I want to just like that transvestite."(lol)
"What would it be like to be an elephant?"
"I wish I could be happy as she is."
"I wish she wasn't a *****, like she is now."
"She's as if she turned from Dr. Jeckle to Mrs. Hyde!"
"She's as happy as can be expected."
etc, etc.... Les aidez, s'il vous plaît!...
Merci Merci Merci a tout des personnes qui ce lui réponde! <33