
French and French Canadiens..How do you feel about Quebec Independence?

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I tried to post this in French but it got removed so I have to post it in English.

For me I think Vive Le Quebec Libre.Let them have their Independence.




  1. I am Canadian, not french though.  I think if the majority of the province wants independance give it to them.  The problem is the referendums keep showing that they don't (although a recent one hasn't been done).  My problem is that at the time of the last referendum, Quebec wanted independance with all the support the federal government gives them now.  You can't have it both ways, either use our funding and be Canadian, or go off on your own and stop taking our money.  I don't know how politicians are proposing to handle this issue now though.

    The other issue I have is that it splits up Canada, the east coast would be completely seperate from the rest of the country, and I worry about them feeling isolated and losing their national identity.  Same with people in the rest of Canada, this country was founded in the east and if it means travelling through a whole other country, I don't think people will go there as often, which would kill their tourism industry.  As a member of the tourism industry that worries me a little.

    Anyways, as someone with reasonable thought (at least I think I have that) and as someone who can look at both sides of the issue...that is my opinion.

  2. I agree with Sarah.

    But really, since they started talking about going independent, they've lost themselves as a part of Canada. Ever notice on some websites it says it'll ship to Canada excluding Quebec. As much of a part of Canada Quebec is, they've already started to isolate themselves without wanting to. And theres actually some people who don't consider Quebec part of Canada anymore.

    What ticks me off is they want to be on their own, but use our money and have Canada still support them financially. I personally do not think they'd survive as their own country. First off, wheres their money coming from? I don't think they have any and if they created their own currency it'd probably be worth as much as a pesos. Not only that but think of the amount of Government buildings in Quebec... the new "Government of Quebec" would have to purchase all those buildings from the Canadian Government.

    If they want it, so be it. Bit I think its the worst thing they could do for their economy. Not to mention there'd be this huge part of Canada that actually isn't Canada, not cool!

  3. Let's not forget if it wasn't for Quebec, Canada wouldn't be as it is today.

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