
French benefits? please help I have only one night to decide if ..?

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I should take AP Psychology or AP French

last day to switch..I know I can get A in Psychology easily because I can memorize book material but AP French I must learn how to speak and other things...

I was recommended for Psychology but French is hard because I study multiple languages but I can only be fluent one at a time..and perhaps I go to Japan

French people are nice, no? I wanted to speak it because I met French friends this year..ironically when I decided NOT to take french..and maybe they will go when I decide to take it..




  1. AP Psych....I took it and it was great!

  2. How are you able to take AP french when you havent taken french yet? or have you?

    Oh wow you can take AP french you're 4th year? I have to wait my 6th year of french to take it. I'm only on french four which is my 5th year. I say go with AP Psych. You already got the college credit for your french, and if psych deals with your profession you will be pursuing, take it!

  3. I will give you my opinion as a student who just took the AP French Exam in May. I received a 5 on it after five years of intense work. I did not go to an immersion high school; I started French cold. The test is very challenging because not only are there a reading comprehension part (which not only tests reading content but certain grammatical constructions, i.e. "the 'en' represents which phrase"...etc.), there are also a listening comprehension, grammar (which tests ALL tenses and moods), and speaking sections. You will be given a tape-recorder to tape your own voice. You will be given a series of pictures, and you will have to give an answer to each following question. You can check out the past tests and listening sections on the College Board AP French website. It's a challenge!

    Indeed, French people are incredibly nice and are so hospitable. They respect their culture and language and are very passionate about their country. Don't freak if you don't want to take AP French, take it in college. In fact, MOST colleges have a placement test for French, Spanish, German, and Russian. So, in some instances a student can get college credit for French even without taking the AP French Exam!

    Now, my best friend took the AP Psychology Exam and had told me that it wasn't bad at all. If you can memorize information and learn the material--especially the material that is going to be on the test (i.e. follow the 'outline' given by the College Board on the AP Psyc website) you will be fine.

    Thus, I would take the AP Psyc class to test out of that class in college. Psyc 101 is a HUGE class and most majors and college graduation requirements have Psyc 101 listed as a mandatory class. If you can test out of it, that'll save you much time and certainly money! Textbooks in AP Psyc are more costly than those in AP French, for the most part. What I would do in terms of taking AP French, check out the past AP French exams on the CB website and see for yourself. Who knows, your college could have a placement test, and if you effectively do well on it, that'll be $90 of a testing fee that you will save!

    Good luck; you will be fine! =)

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