
French flair is how you see this match???

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missed elissade for french flair

well done!




  1. .... so how DO you see ....

    If you want to faire semblant to be english, so what ! don't forget the verbs !.... mdrrrr, oups, loooool !

    Have a nice evening !

    Mon petit sourire mohair pour envelopper vos épaules de douceur et de chaleur,


    ps : je te cherchais pour te remercier mais je ne suis pas québécoise ! only frenchy fench girl !...

  2. As an Englishman i can hold my hands up and honestly say that if France win good ball, messrs Heymans, Clerc and Rougerie will tear us apart.

    However to win good ball you'll have to beat us up front and we have some of the best forwards in the world.

    Still, France to win by three tries i think

  3. Oui mon cher Clarinet, mais la France n'as pas joue contre le Pays de Galles ....................

  4. I think France will win,though England is playing well. I would say  25- 19 Et  France Gagne Le Match. Vive Le Bleu Allez Le Francais.

    Ma Condolences  -I-I , je Sui Desole pour Le Defaite au Le Team Francais Par Le Anglais.24/2/08 Dimanche.

  5. France by 27-9

  6. bonjour, je ne comprend que le français mais d'apres la réponse que j'ai lu en dessous,vive la france on est les plus forts et vive le sport

  7. No flair tonight my Friend..........must have left it in the changing room!!!!!!

  8. France will beat England by a convincing margin.

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