
French help!??!??!?

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a narrow window"

une fenêtre étroite

la fenêtre étroite

une étroite fenêtre

"the large map"

les grands carte

la carte grande

la grande carte

"an important book"

un livre importante

un livre important

un important livre

"the black hat"

la chapeau noire

le noir chapeau

le chapeau noir

"a green lamp"

une lampe verte

une lampe vert

la lampe verte

11: "the small door"

une porte petite

la petite porte

une petite porte

12: "a jealous female student"

une étudiante jalouse

le jaloux étudiant

l’étudiante jalouse




  1. Well, this exercice is all about "definite/indefinite" "singular/plural" and the agreements in gender and number.

    It's not so difficult, in fact. Let's see...

    First off, as a little revision:

    = Definite and indefinite table =

    ------------------- Definite -------------- Indefinite -

    Singular--------- le / la ----------------- un / une --

    Plural-------------- les --------------------- des -----


    = Nouns and adjectives order =

    As for the place of the adjective, there are some pretty simple tricks to know.

    Basically, the adjective will be placed right BEFORE the noun it refers to if:

             - the adjective is SHORTER than the noun.

             - the adjective is an ordinal number.

    The adjective will be placed right AFTER the noun if:

             - the adjective is LONGER than the noun.

             - the adjective is a COLOR (or a geometrical shape, but forget it for now).

             - the adjective is derived from a verb.

             - (the adjective is derived from a social/religious class, but don't care about this rule yet)

    = The exercise =

    -> "A narrow window." - It's indefinite singular.

    So it will be : "une fenêtre étroite" (although in french, we use just as much "une fenêtre étroite" as "une étroite fenêtre")

    -> "The large map." - It's definite singular.

    So it is: "La grande carte" (here, "la carte grande" would not be correct, since "grande" is a longer word than "carte")

    -> "An important book" - It's indefinite singular.

    So it is: "Un livre important"

    -> "The black hat" - Definite singular.

    So: "Le chapeau noir"

    -> "A green lamp" - Definite singular.

    So it could be either "une lampe verte" or "une lampe vert".

    But you might have learnt that "une lampe" is feminine, so the adjective ("vert") has to agree with the noun and will become "verte". ("e" being the common mark of feminine words).

    So the correct answer is: "une lampe verte"

    -> "The small door" : Definite singular (feminine, again)

    So it is "la petite porte".

    -> "A jealous female student" : Indefinite singular (feminine, obviously ^^)

    So it is "une étudiante jalouse".

    Hope the explanation helps!

    Good luck!

  2. 1. une fenetre etroite

    2. la carte grande

    3. un livre important

    4. le chapeau noir

    5. une lampe verte

    6. la petite porte

    7. une etudiante jalouse

    sorry i dont know how to put in the accents
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