
French music?!?

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I am learning French and am interested in listening to songs sung in French... anybody know any good songs/artists? I am a total beginner in French music!!

By the way I am a Christian so please make sure it's clean... Thanks :)




  1. Try:

    Coralie Clement

    Carla Bruni


    I love the first two!

    For more classic music try Edith Piaf, Patricia Kaas (the song "La Mer" is awesomeee), Henri Salvador.

  2. Here are some videos of Alizée in case you want to hear French music (literally) from this century:

    J'en Ai Marre:

    J'ai Pas Vingt Ans:

    C'est Trop Tard:

    All the videos have the French lyrics displayed to the right, and if you scroll down, you'll find the English translation (J'en Ai Marre has the lyrics of the English version of the song - it's not a direct translation).

    If you want to know more about Alizée...


  3. Hiya,

    All the French songs are clean.

    Only Americans make dirty songs !

    You should have a look onti this below website.

    I hope it help.

  4. here is a playlist with french song:

    You can listen to:

    Ariane Moffatt

    Carla Bruni

    Les ogres de barback

    Emilie Simon

    La rue kétanou


    Sandrine Kiberlain

    Edith Piaf

    Georges Brassens

    Jacques Brel


  5. the legendary edith piaf is always good.Try listening to emilie simon as well.For rock songs the band aston villa are great.

  6. Hello !

    Of course you still can listen to Edith Piaf, it's beautiful but it's not what we really hear on the radio anymore...

    You can listen to Calogero, Raphaël, Bénabar, micked 3D they have really nice lyrics that you can listen too.

    For the girls, try Vitaa, Helene Ségara, Olivia Ruiz, la Grande Sophie, I think that those French women can help you too !

    Good luck !

  7. (subtitles in Italian) (subtitles in Italian)

    Just a little personal comment; the last song in that list, Edith Piaf's "Non, je ne regrette rien", is, to me, one of the greatest songs written in any language. If you can sing that song and mean it then everything else is unimportant.

  8. since we're on a yahoo website, you can try to go to the french yahoo music

  9. Hello there,

    well I guess you have received quite a long ( and good list) of French singers...

    I noticed that in the list of GREAT French singers (next to Piaf) there is one name missing: Charles Aznavour... Yep the guy is still alive and still making great songs.

    As a beginner it will be kinda hard for you to understand the songs as - if you listen to Piaf or Aznavour r even the younger generation - you will see that it is very 'poetic' - beautiful lyrics very melodic. IF you want to listen to more contemporary music; how about Celine Dion. She has a new cd on the market in French and it is written by women. The tilte of the cd is "(D) ELLES"... But it is really hard to give you any advice as there are so many really good french singers so just pick one and good luck with it all.

    Salut et Bonne Écoute!


  10. try some songs of jacques brel.

    he was a belgian but made some of the most beautiful french love songs: ne me quitte pas, quand on n'a que l'amour, la chanson des vieux amants, le plat pays, ...

    many of his songs were translated into english, so maybe you'll recognize some of the songs

    try "jacques brel fan station on launchcast :
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