
French person/Australian partner: baby birth in Australia?

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Hi everyone,

I m French,ve been studying in Sydney for 2 yrs now.My boyfriend is Australian we are expecting a baby. We wish to give him birth here in Sydney, how this is gonna work talking about baby citizenship, me?Sorry the immi gov website hasn t help me so i m asking u guys.

Thanx x




  1. having a baby in Australia will not get you permanent residency

    and i am very doubtful if you will be covered for medical as maternity is not included for a non Australian resident so you will have to pay all the bills check this out

  2. If the Australian father puts his name on the birth certificate then the child will be automatically Australian at birth.

    Australian law states that children born after 20 Aug 1986 must have at least one parent (who is listed on the birth certificate) holding permament residence or Australian citizenship to be automatically Australian at birth.

    You can have the child's citizenship recognised by applying for a Certificate of Australian Citizenship (after the child is born) or an Australian passport (I recommend getting the child's Certificate of Australian Citizenship after being born so if you and the child's father seperate and go your own ways the child will be protected).

    Your child should have access to French citizenship because the French mainly work on jus sanguniunus (meaning right of blood) so they should be born dual. I think you may to call them for a direct answer because the French embassies never have easy access for details about citizenship.


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    Bonne chance et je vous félicite sur votre grossesse.

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