
French speakers, please help? Does this little phrase make sense? ..?

by  |  earlier

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J'ai deteste le travail dans un magasin?

Please correct me if I'm wrong and tell me what's wrong about it. Thank you very much!




  1. Je deteste travailler dans un magasin!

  2. sorry i dont know french

  3. "J'ai détesté travailler dans un magasin"is better...

  4. i thought SHOP... was ...BOUTIQUE... and MAGASIN is a GROCERY STORE... well that is what i remember my grandma says when we end up to buy groceries.

  5. i hate to work in a store

  6. It depends on what you are really trying to say...are you trying to "I hate working in the store." Then it's Je déteste travailler dans le magasin. but you have a question mark behind it, so  I really don't know what you are going for.

  7. I have hate work in a store

    thats the transaltion

  8. Your sentence is correct.

    However, the fact you hated working in a shop can be a habit (you hated it everyday). In that case, it is better to use "imparfait": Je détestais travailler dans un magasin / Je détestais le travail dans un magasin.

  9. Je déteste travailler dans un magasin = I hate working in a shop

  10. Depending what exactly you want to say :

    If you are talking about a particular job in particular store , you have to say :

    J'ai détesté ce travail dans ce magasin  (I hated this work in this store)

    If you are talking about a job in generally, in a particular store , you have to say :

    J'ai détesté travailler dans ce magasin (I hated to work in this store)

    J'ai détesté le travail dans ce magasin (I hated the work in this store)

    If you are talking about job in generally, in a particular store , you have to say :

    J'ai détesté travailler dans ce magasin  (I hated to work in this store)

    If you are talking generally about working in stores , you have to say :

    J'ai détesté travailler dans les magasins (I hated to work in stores)

    But if it something that you're still thinking you should use present tense

    Je déteste travailler dans les magasins (I hate to work in stores)

    Je déteste devoir travailler dans les magasins (I hate having to work in stores)

    Je déteste le travail dans les magasins (I hate the work in stores)

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