
French speakers - can you help me with a quick translation?

by  |  earlier

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I'm trying to get information about a package I sent to France. I found the French postal website but the Babelfish translation is a little rough.

Could you go to

then enter tracking # EC998110585US in the field where is says "Suivre un envoi"

all I want to now is the current status, I don't need the whole thing translated.

Thank you.




  1. Quoi?  Je ne comprend pas? Could you give better detail?  I don't see where Suivre un en envoi is.  What page?  Where on the page?  Bottom?  Top?  Left?  Right?

  2. They were having problems with the package because it is missing the invoice from customs. That's way it's taking a long time. But it left the Saint Exupery Airport on Monday Aug 8th.

  3. It says "returned to sender".

  4. Hello.

    I have spoke french for about 8 years now.

    And from what i can translate, the direct translation would be "dispatch turned to the shipper", so i would presume that the item is being returned to you.

    Hope this helped!


  5. Bonjour Mensior !

    French people are mean.

    they hate tourists BAHA!

  6. i think it says its currently on route to your house. it was last at the air port of SAINT EXUPERY and that was on 8-11-08. hope i helped. i am level 3 french lol

    wait yes it does say returned to sender lol wow... way to go me. i missed that lol hahaha

  7. shipment is now returned to sender  

  8. "Suivre un envoi" means to follow a package... as in a follow-up type thing.

    Hope I helped!

    God bless!!

  9. The number you gave us was invalid

  10. Try using Google translation or if you have MS office 2007 it has french to english translations too. This is what i got.....Date and hour Evènement Complement lun 11/08/2008 22:31 SAINT EXUPERY Tri AIRPORT arrange departure carried out   lun 11/08/2008 07:17 CHRONOPOST CORBAS Envoi left the SAV arranges   lun 11/08/2008 07:17 CHRONOPOST CORBAS Sending turned over to the shipper   play 31/07/2008 08:18 CHRONOPOST CORBAS Sending in authority at the point of withdrawal   play 31/07/2008 02:49 CHRONOPOST CORBAS Tri arranges of arrival carried out   sea 30/07/2008 19:56 CHRONOPOST CORBAS Sending in authority at the point of withdrawal   sea 30/07/2008 12:07 CHRONOPOST CORBAS Sending presented but not delivered   sea 30/07/2008 08:30 CHRONOPOST CORBAS Sending in the course of delivery   sea 30/07/2008 08:21 CHRONOPOST CORBAS Sending in the course of delivery   sea 30/07/2008 00:08 CHRONOPOST CORBAS Tri arranges of arrival carried out   mar 29/07/2008 20:07 CHRONOPOST CORBAS Sending in authority at the point of withdrawal   mar 29/07/2008 13:17 CHRONOPOST CORBAS Sending presented but not delivered   mar 29/07/2008 08:10 CHRONOPOST CORBAS Sending in the course of delivery   mar 29/07/2008 01:11 CHRONOPOST CORBAS Tri arranges of arrival carried out   lun 28/07/2008 19:49 CHRONOPOST CORBAS Sending in authority at the point of withdrawal   lun 28/07/2008 12:31 CHRONOPOST CORBAS Sending presented but not delivered   lun 28/07/2008 08:17 CHRONOPOST CORBAS Sending in the course of delivery   lun 28/07/2008 08:08 CHRONOPOST CORBAS Sending in the course of CHRONOPOST CORBAS Sending in the course of delivery   lun 28/07/2008 07:50 CHRONOPOST CORBAS Sending in the course of delivery   Sam 26/07/2008 04:30 CHRONOPOST CORBAS Sending developped in authority saturdays at the point of withdrawal   Sam 26/07/2008 04:30 CHRONOPOST CORBAS Tri arranges of arrival carried out   Venn 25/07/2008 16:32 ROISSY Tri CHRONOPOST arranges departure in progress   Venn 25/07/2008 13:52 ROISSY INTER CHRONOPOST Sending arrived at the agency importation   Venn 25/07/2008 13:48 CHRONOPOST FRANCE Sending arrived at the agency importation Place: International Roissy - Paris - FR Venn 25/07/2008 13:22 ROISSY INTER CHRONOPOST customs Treatment importation carried out. Taxes to be perceived with the delivery Taxes customs: Object taxed Sam 19/07/2008 14:41 CHRONOPOST FRANCE Sending arrived at the SAV arranges Lieu: International Roissy - Paris - FR Sam 19/07/2008 14:41 CHRONOPOST FRANCE encountered Difficulty Place: International Roissy - Paris - FR Statute of the sending: Sending selected, missing invoice for taking out of bond

    It makes nil sense to me, hope it means something ! sorry this is alll i could do

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