
French sport name help?

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I need help on identifying these sports by reading their actions:

1. nager, propulser

2. frapper, empocher, ricocher

3. servir, frapper, déposer le volant, gagner l' echange

4. tirer le mat, naviguer, virer




  1. The first one is a sport that involves both swimming and propelling forward. So "la nage" or "la natation" (swimming) but it  could also be" la planche" (surfing), or "le water polo" which involve both activities too.

    The second involves hitting, pocketing, bouncing so could be "le billiard" or "le snooker".

    The third involves "le volant" (shuttle), so "le badminton" or "le squash". "Le volant" is the specific word used in these sports. Whilst "le tennis" and "le tennis de table" also use the term "la raquette", they are played with "la balle" (a ball).

    The fourth involves pulling a mast, sailing, and changing direction on water, so "la voile" or "le bateau à voile" (sailing), or "la planche à voile" (wind surfing).

    Since you specifically asked for FRENCH SPORT NAMES for these activities, I have given them to you as they are called in French with explanations in English and French references.

    I am no expert in sports, and most French sports have an English name anyhow, but I hope this helps you.

  2. From the verbs given I would personally say:

    1. Swimming  

    2. Playing Pool

    3. Tennis

    4. Sailing

    * I agree that #3 could be badminton.  Actually I had included it as another possibility when I first responded, but the "gagner l'échange" seemed to me like something you hear in Tennis games...but perhaps badminton as well.  After some thought I decided not to give multiple possibilites to confuse you more, but rather to give you  1 sport that seemed to coincide with the given verbs.  

    *I also understood you to want identification of the sport by the verbs given.  If you need the names of the sport in French, here are the ones I gave you.

    swimming-la natation

    pool (game of pool)-le billiard américain

    tennis-le tennis, badminton-le badminton

    sailing-la voile

    Well, Good Luck with it!

  3. agree with 2shy on 1,2 and 4.

    But i'd say badminton for 3, since you play badminton with a  "volant", and tennis and squash are played with a ball, "une balle"

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