
French to english: ces un bon prix mais plusieurs cassette ...?

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ces un bon prix mais plusieurs cassette que j'ai plusieurs fois comme 18 fois

does that say. its a good price but many of the tapes i have, i have many times, like 18 times/




  1. Google Translate says "a these handsome price but several cassette which I have several times like 18 times "

  2. C'est un bon prix; mais j'ai déjà cette cassette en plusieurs exemplaires, au moins 18 fois.

  3. First, I'm not sure that sentence makes a whole lot of sense in English but:

    Cet un bon prix mais deja, j'ai beaucoup de ces cassettes. Je les ai dix huit fois!

    Meaning: That's a good price but, I have many of these tapes already. I have them 18 times!

  4. It's a good price, but I have many tapes that I've already used 18 times. So maybe they're referring to the fact that they've used it a lot so it might not hold up.

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