
French vs Spanish vs Italian?

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i'm starting high school this year. in middle school i took spanish but i really hated it i wanted to take italian but i diddn't mind taking french and since french seemed more important i decided to take french.

do you think i made a mistake quitting spanish?




  1. Well, Spanish and Italian are very, very similar, so there's a good chance that if you hated Spanish, you'll hate Italian. French is probably the most difficult Romance language to learn (other than Romanian).

    If you live in the US, Spanish is definitely more practical, as you'll have a lot of people to practice with.  

  2. Yes, I do think you probably made a mistake in quitting Spanish. It may have been the teacher you didn't like, rather than the language, and it deserved another chance at the high school level. What was it you hated about Spanish, anyway? French, Italian and Spanish are very similar (I love them all), the main difference being that French is much harder to pronounce than the other two. By changing horses in midstream, it will set you back in your next language and basically throw away all the hard work you have already invested in Spanish. And when it comes time for college applications, "stick-to-it-iveness" is a quality that is much appreciated by admissions directors. If it's not too late, can you ask for a schedule change? Or at least make an appointment to talk to the high school guidance counselor about it and get some advice. What do your parents think about it?

  3. i'm are lucky that know english very well...i want learn english very well but is difficult...but i will try...^_^

  4. I would say quiting spanish was a great idea. I took spanish and hated it also, so I changed to french. I found that I like french much more for some reason. Plus only a few people in the whole school will now french so you could show off what you learned lol

  5. quis est deus, don't forget that italian is very very very similar to french as well. so if she liked french, she could very much like italian.  italian isn't JUST similar to spanish, it is also VERY similar to french vocab-wise, (just the pronunciation is completely different.) italian and french share 89% lexical similarity, while spanish and italian - 82%. so don't say if she didn't like spanish, she won't like italian. that's like saying if she didn't like english she shouldn't learn german.  italian and spanish are NOT the same. they are NOT dialects niether are they almost the same. vocab-wise italian is almost as distant from spanish as french is to it.

    English: i'm hungry. i want to eat.

    italian: Ho fame.  Voglio mangiare.

    french: J'ai faim.  Je voudreis manger.

    spanish: Tengo hambre.  Quiero comer.

    I can't find the cheese.

    Non posso trovare il formaggio.

    Je ne peux trouver pas le fromage.

    No puedo buscar el queso.

    We are together.

    Siamo insieme.

    Nous sommes ensemble.

    Estamos juntos.

    My sister speaks italian.

    Mia sorella parla l'italiano.

    Ma soeur parle l'italien.

    Mi hermana habla el italiano.

    SEE? do italian and spanish look like the same language? NOOO!!!  

  6. Nope. You should take what you like. French is a great language. Perhaps later you'll try Spanish again, or Italian. If you really "hated" Spanish there was no point in sticking to it.

  7. Could I ask anything? Why don´t you like Spanish?

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