
Frequent Flyers Help?

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Why is it that even old aircrafts of Air Canada have the touch screens in all seats on the back, but United doesnt?, ive been on 5 flights this week even on some new United planes as well as Ted, If the US has so much money why dont they bother installing new things, or even give more room, cause Air Canada Jazz is the same as United Express, yet there planes dont smell, or have very small seats.

this is not a rant sorry if it sounds l;ike im just wondering why?




  1. Obviously the Canadians are better {coming from an American} and the US is more concerned with making money then comfort. There was a article in the newspaper {online} a while back saying how some airlines were taking out video systems because it took out 500 pounds from the aircraft. Here is the link: About the rest, I can only say that Americans are lazy bums who just want to make money so they cram people into the flight, serve horrible food- that's made from plastic to save costs- and don't bother cleaning the airplane after each flight. So sue us lazy Americans, we're just lazy.

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