
Frequent Flyers: Staying Entertained! ?

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I am facing 2 solid days of air travel and though I myself am a frequent flyer, I am dreading the next days more than usual. FFs, how do you keep yourselves entertained and in high spirits when you are on a particularly long flight?




  1. I no its so hard to keep entertained, you could try sleeping through it but if you cant sleep well on planes (like me) you could, take your iPod, Nintendo DS, Laptop, WWrittenwork, Reading books and magazines, Watch the movies or TV, eat, drink that's all i can think of for now lol but if i think of any more ill come back and let you know lol, Have a nice flight!!!

  2. Read, do some work, listen to music, eat yummy snacks I brought, have a drink, look out the window, make faces at the kid across the aisle, evesdrop on conversations, think, lather, rinse, repeat.

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