
Fresh Start in middle school?

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Ok i started 8th grade just a couple days ago...


When i was in like kinder,1st,2nd,3rd,4th,and 5th

i did really Good like perfect I got medals lol i no :/

Umm when i started 7th last year i made new friends and we ditched it was fun you know talking back to the teachers i thought i was all cool till i got caught ditching got in trouble but now my friends are back this year and wanna have fun what can i do to stay focused and their my friends soo im not gonna leave them :/

I DONT wanna be just good girl

But what can i do to stay good grades but have fun at the same time..

And no im not gonna stop having fun or listening please this is serious my friends are the type that make fun of you though if your a "good girl"

Soo i try bad things but then in the end i get in trouble or i wont pass im like confused soo yea anybody have an idea how i can do both at the same time?

or maybe its just impossible?? :/




  1. You need NEW Friends honey...Good Grades are a PLUS not a MINUS and any friend worth having knows that. You can have fun and still be a good student...STOP ditching, you will just get into trouble and when your parents find out..MAN I would HATE to be you. My daughter is the same age as you(13 next week and in the 8th grade)...she gets good grades and is very popular as well...she has been a Cheerleader for 4 years now, has a great group of friends that she hangs out with and they all get good grades AND have FUN TOO~~Get it together hun and Realize that "FRIENDS" who give you a hard time for being a good girl and good student are NOT

    "friends" you need nor want~~Aloha~~

  2. ditching class and talking back to your teachers isnt called fun its called stupidity, grow up, your education is more inportant than friends

  3. I was like that for awhile and then i stopped and thought "why the h**l am i doing this??" i was trying to fit in, be hot, flirty all that c**p. Then i decided to be myself and not some fraud. Yea when i chose that i did go a couple months of being friendless but it all worked out in the end. i'm now happier than i ever have been with more close friends that i can actually count on...

  4. its like impossible to fail 8th grade.

    they just pass you cause they dont want to see your ugly face in there again.


  5. Seriously- Grow up. Do you seriously think you can hang out wit those people and get good grades? Education is wayy more important. Its not like your really gonna fail 8th grade--its sooo easy. But wait until you get in high school and see how you handle things.

    andd stop with the :/ faces. They are annoyinggggg.

  6. no its not impossible. im 16 and i have a baby. im nott a good girl but i dont smoke or drink or anything, im just not a good girl. but i also at the same time have great grades! just have fun with them and be yourself but once you go home or whatever to settle down for the night do your homework and really focus. just dont answer phone calls and such. you will learn though not to care so much what others think of you. your gonna lose a lott of friends and make a lot of friends now till you die- you know. just think about it. focus but be cool (:

  7. you can have fun with ur friends without gettin in trouble. dont talk back to the teacher, just talk nd laugh with ur friends and shut up wen u need to shut up LOL. um dont ditch a lot if ur gona do it a lil unless u wana do 8th grade again. they really do hold ppl bak if they ditch to much so watch out.

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