
Fresh water fish....?

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right now i have a small 5.5 gallon tank. i want to up size to about 29 gallon. eventually i am going to add dwarf frogs (not clawed frogs) and i just wanted some ideas on some pretty community fish that are easy to care for. colorful fish that wont harm my frogs and that will get along with a variety of fish. i was thinking of mollies or pot belly mollies. but i need more ideas!! thanks!!




  1. maybe a small school of rummy nose tetras [my favorite] or maybe some neon tetras.

    The rummy nose tetras don't have much color except for the red on their faces, and the neons are red, blue and sometimes a little green.

  2. live bearers are cool. i love guppys with those wonder full tails. also platys are cool. and rasboras too. some neon tetras will do fine also

  3. buy a heater, they are only like $20 and then you can get all sorts of cool fish.

    I have a balloon molly, and it is kinda aggressive. It beats up on my other fish sometimes, and they need more space than 5.5 gallons anyway. mine is in a 5g and it has way outgrown it, i feel badly having it in there. and balloon mollies are the smallest kind of mollies. Sailfins and normal mollies get to be 4 or 5" long, and thats cruel to keep in a 5g tank.

    You should look into killifish or some tetras. killifish are beautiful little fellas, extremely peaceful and fun to watch. tetras are schooling fish, so you would have to get several of them, and that would leave you with no other options of things to put in the tank, but they also look really cool.

    If you want, you could also add some cool invertebrates, like snails or shrimp. lots of people like snails (i personally find them gross, but whatever floats your boat i guess), and they are good for your tank (they eat detritus and stuff). I have gotten way into shrimp. Bamboo, amano, ghost, cherry, crystal-red, and any other types of shrimp you can find will all add a lot to your tank.

    Just don't overstock too much.

    see for more information on everything you could ever want to know about aquariums.

  4. Mollies would be good, but I do not reccomend dwarf frogs for such a large tank. They do better in smaller tanks. In large tanks it is hard to find them to give them a pile of frozen bloodworms, also. A large tank is so tall it is hard for the dwarf frogs to reach the top to breathe. I wouls say, go with a betta and a few dwarf frogs in the 5.5 gallon tank.=)

  5. small koi fish, gold fish, angel fish, and snails
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