
Fresh water to salt water *waverunner*?

by Guest57195  |  earlier

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i just bought a waverunner. been ridining it on the lakes around here. i plan on taking it to the beach when i go how would i prepare my waverunner for the salt water and how do i flush it?




  1. No special preparation is needed. Check your owners manual , or go to the waverunner web site for instructions.  However, "Having Fun Is Mandatory!"

  2. As soon as you come out of the water you need to start hosing everything down with a fresh water hose. I mean everything you can a real good job. Some of the older ones have a hose hook up that allow you to run fresh water through the pump. I would run the ski with the hose hooked up for a couple minutes to make sure you flush it out.

  3. You shouldn't need to do anything to use it in salt water as they are made to be used in both. Flushing them is easy, hook up a hose to the designated inlet (check owners manual for location), start the ski, then turn on the fresh water from the hose and let it self-flsh for several minutes (5+ minutes). That's it! Turn off the water then the PWC so the water isn't flowing into the PWC when its not running.

    The PWC doesn't have many parts that will corrode with short-term exposure to salt water. Don't leave it in the salt water for more than 2-3 hours when its not in use and never leave it overnight. More important is probably the trailer so be sure you rinse it thoroughly when you take it out of the water. Hope this helps!

    Captain Rich

    Safe Boating America

    Boating and PWC Certification Courses (a/k/a Boating and Jetksi License)

  4. All aluminium parts will corrode quicker in salty water due to electrolysis therefore most saltwater rigs use stainless parts to prevent this.


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