
Freshman, what should i do?

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Hello im a freshman going into a very rough highschool tommorow I wanted to know the "tips" for freshman.. ex, do I join clubs or should i try to get in sports or what ever should I do?




  1. well im a advice is to join a few clubs and sports so that you have a chance to connect with other students from all grade levels..that way you can have people to sort of look out for you...if uperclassmen see that youre friends with some of theirs they will have more respect for you and leave you alone or befriend you..besides its better to get involved early so by the time senior year comes around you can actually say you did something in high school....oh yeahh...dont act like a snob or like youre cool because youre in high school...that seriously annoys all the upperclassmen and since youre going into a "rough high school" i believe that will start problems. stay clear of the older kids because they can be hard to deal with. just be yourself and everything will be fine...good luck!!!

  2. Be friendly and make friends. Have fun and enjoy yourself. Join clubs that interest you- you will make friends with the same interests. Good Luck

  3. im a junior in high school , and the best thing that you can do is be yourself and surround yourself with your friends. join as many clubs and sports as you can , that way you can make more friends. good luck.

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