
Freshman Football, First year of playing?

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well this year im going to play football, im gonna play defensive tackle,

but the thing is its my FIRST year playing the sport, so i don't know alot about it. for defensive tackle is it hard or do i just need to tackle the guy in front of me? im also having trouble with my angle in plays, and im really nervous.




  1. Watch some preseason games and watch the defensive tackles. and will point you in the right direction.  Don't be nervous, everyone started somewhere.

  2. It is hard to something for the first time, sometimes moreso if those you play with are more experienced. The key to success is to stay determined. Listen to what your coaches say, observe how the starters and/or upper classmen play the position, and don't give up. Remember, the more you practice the better you'll learn it.

    For the record, the primary role of most defensive tackles (assuming that you're in a 2 or 3 tackle formation) is to "congest" the middle of the offensive line, thus cutting off running lanes and potentially adding pressure on the QB. This is done by "pushing" the opposing lineman (the guy in front of you) backwards towards his QB. One key aspect of the DT (which gets little recognition) is that they are often the key to how effective the middle linebacker is. If a DT can clog up the middle, or take out 2 blockers because of being double-teamed, the MLB(s) can reak all sorts of havoc in the backfield. This is why DTs get fewer sacks and tackles than DEs, but their role is VERY valuable despite this.

    The more you practice (you can go through drills on your own, outside of team practice), the better you'll understand what to do. While there is no substitute for a game situation, practice does allow you to develop those instincts that are vital to success on defense (including taking proper pursuit angles, which typically develops with experience and being coached). Also, don't forget to watch the more experienced players. Best of luck to you.

  3. well, you dont want to tackle the guy in front of you, because the guy in front of you is on offensive linemen.   You want to tackle the opposing QB or RB

  4. Stay Low head up explode off the ball. Depending on the scheme of your defense You may have gap responsibility or occupying blockers for LB's. You need to study your playbook. Angles will come w/ reps @ the position "BE a BEAST" and everything else will fall into place!

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