
Freshman Year--- is it that bad?

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So alot of people tell me at school that when ur a freshman u get picked on and no one likes to talk to u when u r a freshman and that they call u a fish





    lol jk naw its fine

  2. it wasnt bad for me:)

    everyone was real helpfull and besides it being a little stressfull the first couple of days trying to finde my classes n such it was good. no one picked on me or called me a fish...

  3. no not really it's fun to meet other freshmen and teachers

  4. Well you going to have to be friends with other freshmans, so you will make friends, but the being picked on by the older classmates will be true. Just don't think your all that or they will hate you more.

  5. Its a part of joining and as long as it doesnt get crude or hurtful you will understand that its what Growing up is all about!

  6. haha.

    they're all lies.

    no one even throws pennies.

    but, they might say something like:

    "freshmen! ahahaha!"

    so its not so bad

  7. not true. i made alot of friends freshman year and most of them came on to me cuz i was the shy one. i mean at some point at ur life ur going to get teased. i actually wish i can go back to my freshman year cuz it had so many memories. i was still a baby lol. but even the sophs and jr's and seniors get teased. dont worry just have fun and live life to the fullest

  8. that is so not true. being picked on is not true unless u were being picked on in middle school. which still u probably wont get picked on because in high school everyone is more mature and adult like. high school is nothing close to what movies make it. there is nt clicks or the cheer leaders don run the school, every one is friends with everyone. people who went so popuar in middle school become friends with the foot ball players. a 12th grader best friend might even end up being in 9th grade. if ur late to class by the teacher doesnt send u to the pricipal, unless u get a horible mean up tight teacher. and yes there are some teachers u will come to hate.freshmen year was acually my best. but make friends because it is harder to make friends in high school because everyone is already with a group of friends and don't want anyone else to join. that's how it was at my school. if u didn't make any new Friends in the first month than u weren't going to at all tell next year. but I'm just telling u how my school was. your school could be different.

  9. nooo its not that bad. not bad at all. the worst someone will do is call you a stupid freshman, and you learn to live with that. just ignore em all.

  10. as long as you keep your objectives focused you shouldnt let anything bother you. everyone is a fish from the beginning isnt it. a good senior should be someone who know the feeling of a fish and be kind to them in this difficult phase of journey.

  11. psh, you dont have anything to worry about.  everyone was a freshman at one time! honestly i never got the whole pick on the freshman just because thing. freshman year was my fave!

  12. oh dont worry that much its ok. i made it anyone can. im about to be a jr (finnaly upperclass) some one might say 'freshmen' ok MANY jrs ans sophmores will just because the finnaly arnt but its not that bad really

  13. Nope.

    I am a senior and my favorite year in high school was freshman year for sure.

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~ am just going to be a freshman next year.


  14. Freshman year is a little unnerving in the beginning, just don't show it.  the upperclassman can smell your fear...just kidding.  relax and come to understand that not _everyone_ will know you or like you its how things work

  15. LOL i was just a freshie.. now imma be a sophmore. Sure all my upper classmen friends would joke around saying hahaha man u freshmen buts its pretty funny... 9th grade was my best year yet!

  16. it's really different for everyone; i doubt that the upperclassment would be so mean as to pick on the new comers (too seriously anyways, they'll probably tease)

    but yes, you will be considered a fish....

  17. i think it really depends on the school you go to. honestly my freshman year wasn't bad at all with bullies. I made a lot of friends in the upper classes too. of course that just might be my school. freshman year was hard course wise though. that and junior year were h**l. if you have great friends who have your back and you don't go out of your way to make trouble for yourself you should be fine. and if people do call you fish i dont' see how that's a big deal. I mean fish? What kind of insult is that?

  18. thats all just a bunch of bullsh**  nothing really happens just be yourself and u will be ok

  19. NO. that's wrong. at least in my school.

    i was a freshman last year, and encountered no such problems. seniors ignored us, sure, but i had friends who were juniors and sophomores, plus, there are lots of other freshmen right? i was never called a fish, and got talked to a lot. it was actually one of the funnest school years i've ever had! so i think it's way over exaggerated. and the being offered drugs in high school is bull too. at least it was in my school.

    you'll do fine, don't worry about it. it's pretty easy, and fun. :D good luck!

  20. I think it's not bad,its what you make it,just pay attention and dont let nobody get in your way,and everything should be great.Ps,your ur own person.

  21. no its not bad nothing happens

  22. Freshman year was actually the best year of my life so far.

    Don't sweat it, it's a lot of fun.


    Oh wait, I remember during homecoming assembly, the sophomores did the whole "freshman go home" thing.

    But, that just shows how mature they are

  23. It's not true. At least not what you're thinking. You just get looked down on by the older kids because you're a firstie. The stereotype is that all freshman are immature and that they think they are cool because they are high school students. Just don't be one of those freshman and you'll be fine.

  24. Shouldn't be.  maybe at your school.  If they do, just ignore them.

    People who pick on others, for whatever reason that they do, aren't worth your time!  Not worth worrying about.  They are small people who haven't anything that they value in themselves, and so they pick on younger, or smaller, or poorer, or less classy people.  Pick your reason, but they are all the same.  They are bullies, and if you quietly ignore their antics, they will get tired of them, and YOU will show yourself to be a person of class, and people will gather around you because you show that you are strong.  At least, the people you WANT around you will be attracted to you.

  25. Haha.  You DO get picked on...i noticed it was mostly the sophmores, because they are no longer "fish", and YOU are the "new kid".  Yeah...yo DO get called a "fish".  But you'll make friends.  Avoid asking upper classmen for directions though, because they are bound to make you get lost on purpose.  Haha.  Oh yeeeeaaaa!

  26. Freshmen like other freshmen. And I had plenty of sophomore and junior friends my freshman year. And I'm a junior this year and I've never been mean to a freshman. :]

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