
Freshman day, help please!?

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Ok so im going into high school for freshman day (day where no one but freshman r there) and i have no clue wat to bring! Any suggestions on this? Also wat should i expect in high school? Is it really as bad as people say it is?




  1. bring a little notebook and pen and wear comfortable shoes because u might be running to your classes depending on how far apart they r. good luck!

  2. Well at my school freshman day is just an orientation. We have a group of upper class man that lead freshman groups on a school tour and answer questions and lead games and things like that.

    Bring what you would bring to any other day or school. School supplies like pens, pencils, paper, your class schedule, a back pack or book bag. What ever.

    I would be ready to answer questions like "What are your hobbies?" or "Tell us about yourself" the first day is also like a meet- and -greet.  

    Don't believe those cheesy teen movies you see. High school isn't the devil. It's not at all bad. But do respect the upper class man, they have seniority and believe it or not they know more about the school than you do. No one likes "no it all" freshman.

  3. I'm a freshman and I've been in school for a week already. I went to the freshman day and I brought my phone, a notebook (for writing down what I need like supplies and stuff) and something to write with. Idk about yours but mine was only a half day and we went to each class for like 10 mins. HS isn't really bad at all! People have told me that its awful but I love it! I think its soo much better than Middle School! You have tons more freedom and its a lot easier to talk to people because its not as cliquey as Middle School. You'll make tons of new friends (I already have and its only been a week!) Also, people aren't as mean to freshmen as you think. Trust me, HS is a lot easier than what it seems like. Good luck and have fun!!

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