
Freshman girls volleyball?

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this year im planning to tryout for a couple of sports. one of them is going to be volleyball. i played it in 8th grade gym and i cant say im any good cause i dont know if i was serving or doing it properly. basically, i have very little experience in the sport, but im still interested. my school is going to be holding an open gym to teach us the basics, what can i expect and how can i prepare?




  1. Be prepared to run!!! Start running a little bit each day to help you get in shape before tryouts. The coaches look for people who are dedicated and work hard. Even if you aren't that good at volleyball, your determination will show. The coaches can help you to improve if you show that you really do want to play. You will probably also do passing, serving, hitting, and setting drills. This is just so your coaches can see who does better in what areas and how others can improve. Here's a few tips you can try before tryouts:

    For serving:

    Go outside and find a place where you can hit the ball and it won't go into the woods. (preferrably an open space like a field) Then just imagine how high a volleyball net would look if it were set up in the field. If you are not that good at serving yet, you want your serve to have lots of heighth on it. Speed and hitting the ball harder will come later. Make sure your palm is open and that you have a good toss. A bad toss may cause a bad make sure your toss is nice and high. Then you have to swing just as if you were hitting. Keep practing this and remember, you are working on getting the ball to go up higher so that it will go over the net. Hopefully, after a few tries you will start to see an improvement.

    For passing:

    If you can find a wall where you can pass the ball up against, that would be a good way to practice. Try to keep consistent passes in a certain spot on the wall. Keep focusing and making sure that the ball hits that spot. You want your arms to be extended and straight. Your platform is the area in between your wrists and want the ball to hit in the middle. Always keep your arms straight because if you don't, you will have very little control over where the ball goes. Once you have mastered short passes against the wall, try taking a few steps back and pass again.

    For setting:

    Same thing as want to find a spot on a wall where you can make short sets. Make sure that your hands are close together and fingers spread apart. Just imagine that if someone were to place a volleyball in your hands, it would need to fit perfectly. Try that for a little while, then step back and try longer and higher sets.

    For hitting:

    Practice your approach!!! Even if you can't hit the ball hard or have a hard time getting the ball over the net, your approach is important. Remember to start on your right foot (if you are right handed) and then your left and for the final step...your feet should be even. When you jump to hit the ball, swing as if you were serving and make sure to follow through. Once you get the approach down, get someone to toss the ball for you and see if you can do your approach and hit it. Timing is everything in a good hit, so don't get frustrated if you can't get it after a few tries.

    I hope these tips help! Good Luck and Keep Trying!

  2. i would say be ready to run and condition and be open to suggestions frm coaches

    the more coachable u r the more likly u will make it

    even if ur not that great if the coaches r able to change the way u play witout much effort the tend to want to work wit u

    good luck!!

  3. work out and be prepared to workout

    At my school they only take girls who are in good shape

    Maybe you wont get on the a team this year but you will at least get to play if you dont get cut

    if you dont get to play you can try to get on a team at a rec center or the ymca

    maybe you can run or jog around in the neiborhood in the morning. I like to run in the early morning and at about six at night when it is getting colder

    just vollenteer for every position and get to know the coach

    good luck

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