
Freshman in high school. HELP!!! 10 POINTS.?

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This year I will be a freshman in high school and I need help! I only know two people that will be going to the same school as me but I am not good friends with them. Also they already have a group of friends that they are really close with going to that school. So I don't want to hang out with them.

I tend to be a pretty shy person at first but now that I am going to a school that nobody really knows me I want to change that about myself. So I am just looking for tips on how to survive my first day!

I find myself thinking about the worst situations that could happen to me and it makes me even more nervous! PLEASE HELP!!

Oh and please, I am not looking for rude answers, only serious please.




  1. "JUST RELAX" and try to blend in, and act like you belong, and you'll be sure to have fun, and just hang out.

    Hope I helped.

  2. smile alot, say hi to everyone, dont be mean to anyone or exclude anyone, whenever anyone sees you or thinks of you they wil think of ou as really friendly and want to get to know you better, it'll be ok =]

  3. when i started high school i didnt know anyone at all and in less than a week i made loads of friends. just be confident. dont be shy because if u are it might be really difficult to make friends.

    and make sure you have nothing stuck in ur teeth !!!LOL


  4. i just went through this last year. it may seem though b/c of all the things you have heard from people, teachers, or even TV. but the reality is that it really isn't all that bad. the only new thing is the people and the school. sure you may not know people, but this a perfect opportunity for you to start all over and be the person that you want to be. you will for sure meet new people. probably in the first day too. it'll be great, TRUST ME!  

  5. Hi is a great conversation starter - oh and dont cross your hands round your stomach it makes you look akward, uncomfy and as if your on defensive try to keep your body language open and light. Laugh at jokes especially if there not funny - worked wonders for me


    much love

  6. You have to try and not be shy and overcome the fear of approaching people. Try to make as many friends as you can your first year, even if you don't necessarily think they are the "cool" people in school. The more people you know, the more you become known and eventually people will be approaching you and trying to talk to you. You don't want to have your first few years of high school to pass by without making many friends, because then it only becomes harder to make friends because everyone already ahs their groups of friends established

  7. dont worry about it. freshman year sounds so much worse than it is. just take it one thing at a time. and im sure you will have someone to chill with, so definitely dont worry about that.

  8. I was exactly where you're at. Just do what you are going to do: going to class, act as normal as ever, be friendly with the ones sitting next to you, sooner or later you'll have tons of friends.

  9. I was a fresh man last year. Just have confidence. Talk to people who share your interests. the first day for me wasn't that bad. I just talked to people( most of them didn't even know me but are now my friends).

  10. thats horibble! don't think of the bad stuff!

    play out situations in your mind taht will help u talk to people, then act them out for real. just calm down, most of hte poeple are in the same situation as you. in ure classes just talk to people around u and ask at lunch time if they wanna eat with u or can u join them. itll work out. when i started high school a few years ago i was scared and didnt know anybody and im teh shyest perosn ever.

    i did just fine. relax.  

  11. People tend to actually flock to new people.  I think once you get there, if your a normal looking person, you'll have no problem fitting in.  Just have fun, be yourself, and open up to new people!

    Good luck!

  12. Have confidence. Relax and breath. Join a club or do a sport to meet new people. That worked for me and my friend. Just relax. You'll do fine.

  13. Just be yourself. Dress really nice put a little makeup on if your allowed to and just let people come to you. Always be nice to people at first but always be on your toes about what you say to certain people like if they say something bad about someone you don't have to agree because they can make you look bad. Try and get involved in sports or the student counsel this will give an opportunity to meet a variety of people. Being a Freshmen means that you have 4 years of high school so choose wisely who your friends are and don't do anything that might make those 4 years a horrible experience. For example letting the senior guys take advantage of you letting you think they are your friends. Just be cautious but you should do fine it is all about what you want it to be.

  14. Just, dont stress it! People always stress over this sort of thing but it turns out to be no big deal. Life is to short to be shy! You have to get out there and meet new people and dont even worry about what they think of you! If they are meant to be your friend, then they wont care if you make a fool out of yourself! ;D

  15. I am going to be an incoming Freshman too. My advice is to join some sort of a team sport or club so you are forced to interact with others. +Also, in your first class, make at least one new friend so you can sit with them durijnng lunch so your not eeating alone.

  16. I grew up in a small town where everybody knows everybody but when I went to college this past year I didn't know ANYBODY I was completely freaked! I tend to be shy too but I just started talking to people anyone that looked like they might be cool or interesting to talk to and I have made sooooo many friends that way. It really works. I hope you enjoy your high school career! and make lots of new friends!

  17. Believe me the fact your nervous is not unusual, everyone starting in a new place is nervous and thinks of the worst things. I think someone will come out with follow the advice of that book the secret. I will say this think of it like this everyone else going to the new place is going to be nervous even the teachers they don't know what the year ahead is going to bring either and that is a fact. So think of yourself as not the one who is nervous  on the day think of the millions of people doing something new on that day and are nervous as well.  

  18. Well for starters stop thinking about worst case scenarios. Look for someone in each class that you could talk to, even just casually, and maybe sit by during class or at lunch. Everyone else in your grade is new too and you'll probably find that high school is a lot different than jr. high... in my experience there wasn't as many tight-knit groups, at least not at first. Mingling and being your own person is more "okay" than it is in 7th and 8th grades. Don't stress so much and you will be fine - you'll find your own group to hang out with soon enough.

  19. Im going to a new high school as well!!  I made the cheer squad so I know the cheerleaders but thats it!!  

    These are my goals for the first day of school:

    Talk to someone I don't know in each class

    Find someone to sit with at lunch!!

    I most nervous about the second one!!

  20. Keep your mouth shut, and smile.  Don't look people in the eye for a long time, and don't wear to much perfume.

    Everyone has been a freshman (well, people who go through K-12).  Don't collapse, it is nothing special.  Someday you will look back and laugh at how naive you were :).  Just be yourself, open, honest, and kind.

  21. i was a freshmen last year......and i think your lucky not knowing everyone....cause then you can branch out......

    when i was a freshmen, i had my old friends from 8th grade, so i used them as a crutch and only talked to them......

    just join a lot of clubs or activities your interested in, and then you'll meet people w/ same interests.......

    also, start a conversation w/ everyone you sit next if you have assigned seating

  22. well, a good way to meet people w/ the same interests is to join a sports team or a club or something. im not a very shy person so i have no idea what its like to be afraid to talk to someone. i say talk to whoever you want and try to meet new peeps in your classes. i PROMISE it wont kill you to say something. good luck!!!

  23. Last year I started highschool where I knew nobody. I simply smiled, acted friendly and attracted the right sort of people who I consider to be my friends. Be kind to everyone, and you will have the whole school as your friend. New kids are everyone's best bet for friendship, as they are just as nervous and willing to make friends as you are. And they know what you are going through, to beat. Good Luck!

  24. Just be yourself and you will do fine....don't try and please no one but yourself......I am shy and very popular and always have been....granted I am older now but still pretty with an outgoing personality...the only worse situation that can happen is you try and be someone you are go to school with your head held high~

  25. i agree with the first person , have confidence , and just be your self. try to talk to nice people in your classes and just have fun. and big tip. stay away from the bad crowd

  26. dont worry, breath in and out, are u calm, I am going to a school were i dont kno anyone, and iam exited, i get to start over, join a club or sport those are great ways to meet new ppl, for me iam join JROTC, but relax have confidence and youll have plenty of friends, and besides that girls that are shy are kinda cute so guys will be on you too

    good luck

  27. Okay I'm shy to i just started school monday and keep to my self I'm unsocial person i guess but people talk to me any way i think its cause I'm pretty. but when you get to your first class you should talk to everyone around you like say hi whats your name do you know this teacher is she nice mean what not. if people don't talk much do assume they don't like you just talk more that will get everyone going. hope this helps

  28. Same here, I'm shy when meeting new people. Just talk to them, if there is a long silence just say "talk to you later." Look at the people at school if there are some group of people that have the same interests as you, go for it! Just be yourself.  

  29. You should ask your other friends to hang out with you sometime so that u will feel closer to them. Also, I am a really shy person but whenever I actually make an effort to make friends I'm not shy anymore. So remember to be yourself and be nice to everyone!

  30. you need to be:

    loud, but not too loud.

    confident, but not stuck up.


    and dont:

    show that your nervous.

    be shy .

    get to know as many people as you can the first two days and start conversations about previous schools and your schedule. try your hardest to be in the right class so that your not embarrassed when the teacher kicks you out. haha. if you dont know where your class is ask someone that looks nice where to go.

  31. I remember my Freshman year about 3 years ago. Try to be confident and in classes and lunch find people you have things in common with. Some of the best people you can meet are also the friends you already know so try starting conversations with them. Also Good luck on your first day!

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