
Freshman in highschool. homeschool? need some help?

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ok well im a freshman in highschool and middle school was a little hard for me. i mean the work was okay but i battle depression and that didnt help.. but now that im in highschool, i cant handle anything. and a learning disablity runs in my family... ill sit in math and try to learn i mean i will sit there and stare at a problem and not get it and ill ask the teacher for help and it wont hel. i mean i dont understand it or ill understand it for a few seconds and then it will leave my head. and its the same way about highschool. I've already talk ed to my mom about homeschooling and she said i can. cause my brother has a bigger learning disablity then me and hes been home schooled for 4 years now. so i was wondering if theres a way i can be homeschooled but still go to like some classes.. like foods and music.??? and what all do i need to have to be great at homeschooling. what what does my mom need to do. she works 2 jobs by the way.




  1. Hey!

    Well, I'm a Highschool junior, and I've been homeschooled since 7th grade. My mom buys me my books and curriculums from used books sales, and she also gets them from local highschools. Sicne I've pretty much gotten used to be being homeschooled over the past few years, I do all my work myself, like I teach myself the materials straight out of the book.

    Also, for classes like music, there are many homeschoolers in my area, and we all get together about once or twice a week to have a full class by some private instructor. Many kids Iknow also teach themselves music using resources they've found online.

    I also take classes at a local community college by doing dual-enrollment. Dual-enrollment is a program offered by many community college for highschooled students to earn both college and highschool credit for the same course. That helps alot for science classes when it's kind of hard to set up a lab at home.

    Basically, there is no real formula for homeschooling. Each person does it differently depending on the students' needs and learnng abilities.

    There're even a type of homeschoolers called "unschoolers". The ones that don't have a set curriculum, and kind of learn thngs as they go along in life. Miraculously, they always seem to earn very high SAT scores and get into good colleges despite maybe never even opening a school book before.

    So it really depends on what's right for you.

  2. Wow, your mom works two jobs and homeschools your brother too. She is one busy lady!

    I think homeschooling will be great for you, but your mom certainly would benefit from having a helping hand right now. Since it sounds like time and money will be in short supply for your family right now, contact me at I may be able to be available to help with subjects and you can join in on some of our online classes.

  3. Hi There,

    I have been through exactly what you are going through. I suffered from depression mostly all of my life through school. I never had alot of friends, and I wasn't the most sociable person to be around unless someone else really got to know me. (those people are becoming harder and harder to find). Anyway, when I got to high school, I just couldn't take it. I slept all day, had headaches constantly, and lived life in the shadows. My mom decided to homeschool me. It was an incrediblely awesome experiance that I have never regretted. I was able to graduate 6 monthes before everyone else my age, and I was able to start college early. I'm now 21 years old, attending a large university in the midwest, and I have a 3.7 GPA.

    My advice to you: If you have the opportunity to be homeschooled, do it. You'll get further in life that most people will. But there are a couple drawbacks to homeschooling that you have to be aware of.

    1. It can be difficult because it requires alot of independence to work alone at home. Your mom will most likely be helping you through it, but there will be no one holding your hand through it. This is somewhat of a blessing in a way, because being homeschooled forces you to be independent. It's no surprise that people who are homeschooled do WAY better in college.

    2. It's somewhat of a bad idea to be homeschooled without having a program planned out. You can go online and find various homeschool programs. They set up you lessons for you, tell you what kind of classes to take ect. Basically it's structure for you and less stress for your mom. It's also very important if you're planning to go to college, because you've got to make sure you are taking the right stuff in high school. Also being in a homeschool program garuntees your going to get a dipolma, which you need.

    3. I don't know if your the type of person who likes to be social or not, but homeschooling can get kind of lonely sometimes. School's important, but you have to talk to other people as well. I'm not sure I would recommend being homeschooled if you live in a very rural area. When I was being homeschooled, I was able to take classes at my local community college. I also did stuff at the YMCA, joined a couple organizations where I lived such as an environmental defence agecy, united way, and also found homeschool groups that organized field trips, lunches, activities, movies, ect. As far as being able to attend classes at your highschool, it might be possible, but keep in mind that public schools are not really kind towards homeschoolers. Why? well, because by leaving your school, the school won't be recieving the money that it get which is provided by your state. Also, you need to be involved in something social, because believe it or not, you will have some spare time on your hands. Most homeschoolers are done with school by noon or 1PM. The reason for this is because you can get a days school work accomplished in alot less time because you are cutting out all of the wasted time that occurs in a regular school.

    I'm sure your going to love it. Best of luck. :)

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