
Freshman over Sophomore on the court? what?????????

by Guest32132  |  earlier

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so yeah playing on a jv team as a sophomore has its perks and benefits. but lets jsut say when a freshman starts taking over and trying to be more of a team leader, its not cool. being put on jv to lead the team is not what im doing. so how do i step up and be a team leader?




  1. I think you need to step up and put Tracy, I mean... the freshman in her place KK for ya ya. haaaaaaaa

    dude I love u.

    Accounting=banger class with u.

    so yeah, take the ***** out... shes been the Big C all year anyways.


  2. Leadership is leadership and it doesn't matter the age or grade. Many sophomores don' t have an ounce of leadership ability in them and some freshmen do. Let it happen naturally. The true leader will be accepted because she will also be a role model and tactful person. Otherwise, that person isn't a leader; she's a show-off or brat.

  3. be more compeditive and show off your skills.

  4. the sophomore need to be the leader not the freshman

  5. if they're one of the better players, and they're natural leaders, then i'm all for it.  Don't hate on people just because they're younger. if they have skills that people should try to aspire too, then they should be leaders and/or capitans, no matter what grade they're in.

  6. it doesnt matter who is the leader.  the stronger player usually is. apparently its her

  7. it doesnt matter what grade the leader is...they have the confidence to step up and take lead, which is what matters.

  8. hey, i'm in the same boat!....almost.  i'm on the sophmore team. but on top of that, my coach had all of the freshmen that are on my team and she is the worst at favorites! i learned that i just have to let it by, and if u want u can just do what u think a leader would do in the same situation. thats all i can say. by the way, what school do u go to? seems a lot like the problems at my school in volleyball.

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