
Freshman year of high school?

by Guest64516  |  earlier

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I'm starting freshman year on sept 2. What should i expect? Like teachers , friends , people? What did u ppl experience cause im sorta worried (i came from the middle school so i have friends there)




  1. Just don't worry about it. I guarantee you'll like high school a lot more than middle school. Everyone is a lot less judgmental so it's easier to make friends. Plus everything just feels a lot more laid back. But my advice to you is don't act really loud or perky all the time. You'll just look like a freshman and people will see you as annoying even if you aren't.

  2. Well, I just finished Freshmen year, overall I enjoyed it. I had a problem with keeping up with my grades because it's a HUGE change from eighth grade, keep ORGANIZED. Don't be loose with boys because that will follow you through all four years, believe me you don't want that reputation. Don't try and change for people you don't like just to fit in, it might be self but stay true to yourself and do what you think is right. Lastly, chill out! It isn't really scary, it's really fun.

  3. I'm a junior and I, too, was aprehensive before starting my freshman year. But the main thing to keep in mind is not to stress out. Depending on your school and the classes you're taking, you'll probably have some teachers you like and others you don't care for as much. As for the kids in high school, they range from drug abusers to devout religious peoples. The big thing is, high school is made up of a variety of people and things to suit almost everbody's needs.

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