
Freshman year? terrified!?

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i'm going into freshman year and i'm scareeddddd.

i was not popular AT ALL in middle school and i'm worried that it will be worse in highschool?

i'm not involved in alot but i plan on getting into more stuff in highschool, but will i get made fun of?

is my unpopularity gunna get even worse??

i only have 3 friends right now...

will i make more??





  1. I wouldn't worry about it kids today are idiots.

  2. of course you will.

    high school is really nothing like you see it on tv.

    i had my freshman year last year.

    there will be soooooooo many people in your school popularity barely counts.

  3. highskool will suck but all you need to do is act nice to some other freshmen and get some friends and if you make a friend who is in a higher grade have them introduce you around

  4. I'm a junior in high school. Trust me when i say don't worry about it. There are some immature people, but for the majority, high school will be better. Just keep away from the people who are rude to you. You'll make plenty of friends. You just have to be outgoing enough.

  5. Lol im a freshman tooo :D .....

    I bet u will be fine... You'll make lots of new friends and its not about popularity...

    Lucky for u... i dont think girls have freshman friday :O

  6. just be yourself, don't worry about all those people you will meet plenty of new people in highschool and only your real friends will accept you for who you are and just remember that its normal to be nervous on your first day of school it happends to many people, i was pretty nervous myself on the first day of my freshman year too.

  7. I wasn't popular at all in middle school at all either.  When I went to high school everyday around 12, this guy (now a Baptist minister) along with a couple of football players would stuff me in a  garbage can.  It'll be alright.  I turned out just fine.

  8. Breathe !  You just need to relax  =)

    I just finished my freshman year, and highschool is completely different.  Classes start to get mixed up based on level so all of a sudden you'll get to meet new people from different grades.  It's a great chance to meet people who haven't had the pleasure of getting to know you yet.  Chances are ... you'll make a ton of new friends.

    Just go into highschool knowing who you are.  Be yourself and people will come to love you for exactly who you are.  =)  

  9. omggossh dont worryy! im startin college this year im scared too, but we all have to take that first step!

    oh!..and make smart choices!


  10. dont even worry about making friends just be nice and be yourself

    if you try to hard it might backfire on you

    but as you said try to  get involved in more things like clubs and sports and you will do fine

  11. You can definitely meet some new people in your classes! I mean seriously, you'll be meeting people everywhere. Get involved in clubs, invite people to eat with you at lunch. It's gonna be a fun year. :D

  12. Eh... freshman year is bad but I think you're expecting something catastrophic. You'll meet new people from other middle schools. You also might make friends with a few of the upperclassmen.

    Just be mature. There's nothing worse than an immature freshman.  

  13. i wasn't very popular in freshman year either. its nothing to worry about. I just treated everyone nice made some friends a people left me alone. I managed to make it to tenth grade :)

  14. im a junior and ive only got about 4 friends and one of them graduated and the other is my ex boyfriend,

    make friends with someone in a higher class.

    i don't participate in any activities.'

    i don't get made fun of anymore.

    you just cant start anything with anyone.

    go buy some cute clothes and act a little confident you'll be fne :/

    everyone knows what its like being a freshmen and only the idiots make fun of them, its hypocritical,

    you'll be fine! go shopping!

  15. no, just be more social then you were in middle school. join a lot of things and make your self noticeable. join clubs, teams, sports, and your guaranteed to make it.

    good luck

    (high school is the most fun times of your life)

    just enjoy it.

  16. just be yourslef!  

  17. Yes it is very normal to be scared especially the first year in high school but you will pull through.  After the first day, the first week, and the first month, depending on you it will be smoothing sailing but only if you want.  Don't worry about the popularity thing making good grades would be the first priority, making good friends, and there are a lot of different social activities out there.  Give yourself some time.

  18. Oh my gosh Im the same way. Im going into freshman year to. Im terrifired. New school new town= no friends. All my friends are back in my old town. Lets hope we both make friends and lets both hope it wont be as bad as we think it is. I think on shows the make seem like its a big deal and that get people scared. haha

  19. You'll make more friends.  It's pretty much the same.  Just don't give the upperclassmen any c**p and they'll leave you alone.  They have better things to do than make fun of you.

  20. its not bad, sure high school sucks. but im a junior, so i survived the 1st 2 years. take it as it comes.

  21. honestly, dont even worry about it. it seems like in highschool everyone gets a little more mature, and the whole popularity thing goes out the window. i would recommend joining a club or a sport though. that helps you get to know more people and branch out

  22. ahh im going into highschool too and i COMPLETELY understand where your coming from.but i dont think thats gonna happen.

    answer mine?;...

  23. Just make some new friends because there is way more people than in middle school. The people that didn't go to your middle school don't even know what you were like in middle so just make lots of new friends. Be friendly, chances are other people are just as nervous as you.

  24. Don't stress out about it.  It's going to be a new year, and you will make new friends.  There are a lot more kids at highschool than middleschool and you will have classes with many new people.  Just be yourself and talk to them, compliment them, sit with them at lunch.  Just have fun in worries.  

  25. That's how I felt...just be yourself...and go thru the motions on your first day back...but the third day, you will have talked to some people and have fun by the end of the first week...........

    Breath, and you will do fine............

  26. Ok, first,  CHILL   im a freshman 2.  So try to find some upper classs friends and at the pep rally.  When all the upper classmen and women say go home freshman   stand up and turn around nad face the wall.  Also, join a sport or something.  Im in football, senete, golf, all x classes and a couple sophmore classes.  So just email me or IM me if u ahve anymore questions.

  27. I was in the same situation. I was unpopular in middle school and teased a lot. I eventually decided to switch to another HS. So I went to HS with ZERO friends.

    I wasn't super popular in HS, but I knew people and I had friends. I made some really amazing friends while I was there by just being myself and getting involved in stuff.

    Also, girls are going to be horrible and tease you. I got teased by this one guy a lot because I wouldn't make out with him. He would call me a w***e and all these mean names to preserve his ego. That's why mean people make fun of you -- because they want to cover up for their own insecurities.

    The best advice I can give you is to stand up to them. You can't stand up to everyone because some girls will just enjoy knowing that they got a rise out of you, but my freshman year, some girl wanted to copy off my homework so I let her the first time but then she wasn't very nice to me. The second time she asked, I said no and she got bitchy saying a real friend would let her copy their homework and I snapped back that I wasn't her friend and then ignored her. She never gave me c**p again. She knew I wasn't going to put up with her and she wasn't going to be able to use me.

  28. Don't worry about it. I went in to high school in a new city knowing nothing about it and knowing no one. Just be nice to people and you will do fine. Trust me. Everyone gets made fun of, it's something everyone has to deal with and I guess kinda a sad part of life but I promise you will make it through

  29. Gosh, don't be. The first 3 or 4 days is scary but it's not bad.  As long as your confident in yourself, you'll do great. I was scared about my friends when I started high school, but know I'm constantly being called! Lol. But the one thing i do recommend, is to get involved! Join sports, join clubs, and join events! You'll make lots of friends I promise! Also, a lot of people are just like you. They are scared they wont make friends but if you try talking them, who knows, you could have SO MANY friends. Popularity doesn't matter that much in high schools. People do there own things and hang out with there own friends.

    Just relax and take it easy. Everyone goes through being a freshman, but next year when your a sophomore, you'll see all the freshman freaking out and just laugh :)

  30. Calm down sweetie! You'll do fine in highschool, just relax and itll work out great. Stressing will do nothing good for you! Join your clubs and you'll make friends naturally, everyone does.

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